If I was an actual good photographer like Cat Sparks, or @jonnosan , it would be obvious what #bird species these are. Bwahaha it's OK, I'll tell you. Female #SuperbLyrebird #YellowRobin #GreyFantail and #WhiteBrowedScrubWren #BlueMountains :)
#bird #SuperbLyrebird #yellowrobin #GreyFantail #WhiteBrowedScrubWren #bluemountains
And here are the remaining birds from the walk.
A female #SuperbFairyWren & a #WhiteBrowedScrubWren and a male Superb Fairy Wren & my local nemesis, the #RedWhiskeredBulBul
#superbfairywren #WhiteBrowedScrubWren #redwhiskeredbulbul #bird #AustralianWildlife
Spent the last half hour or so in the backyard spotting birds.
There were some scrubwrens (White-browed, and Large-billed)
#bird #AustralianWildlife #WhiteBrowedScrubwren #LargeBilledScrubwren #nature
#nature #LargeBilledScrubwren #WhiteBrowedScrubWren #AustralianWildlife #bird
A young male Variegated Fairywren (mid-colour change) and an adult White-browed Scrubwren, I saw outside from the veranda this morning.
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #VariegatedFairywren #WhiteBrowedScrubwren
#WhiteBrowedScrubWren #VariegatedFairywren #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
Some critters photographed from the veranda this afternoon. The White-browed Scrubwren could be sharper, but it was in the shade and didn't sit still. The Brown Thornbill prefered a little leaf cover, but at least sang at me. And there's a blue dragonfly of some sort which obligingly stayed still while I manually focussed.
#AustralianWildlife #bird #photo #nature #BrownThornbill #WhiteBrowedScrubwren
#WhiteBrowedScrubWren #BrownThornbill #nature #photo #bird #AustralianWildlife
A White-browed Scrubwren we spotted last sunday when we went up to Mt Glorious.
#WhiteBrowedScrubWren #AustralianWildlife #bird