@nwprogressive Ugly news for Spokane.
#mattshea #spokane #washington #uspol #WhiteChristianNationalism
#WhiteChristianNationalism #uspol #washington #spokane #mattshea
When preparing for war, one must oppose all gun restriction legislation.
#WhiteChristianNationalism is about #CivilWar
*edited for clarification
#WhiteChristianNationalism #civilwar
When preparing for war, one must oppose all gun restriction legislation.
#WhiteChristianNationalism is about #CivilWar
*edited for clarification
#WhiteChristianNationalism #civilwar
As horrifying as are the consequences of #CultureWar for oppressed groups, remember that its function is to #DivideAndConquer- so as to avoid all-out #ClassWar.
Regan's unholy alliance with Pat Robertson ushered in this era of #WhiteChristianNationalism upon which the oligarchs (by way of #RepresentativeDemocracy), misdirect and zap our limited energy and resources, and distract us from their theft of everything valuable; including planetary life.
#WakeUp people, before it's too late!
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain oligarch rule!
We the people, will not experience life, liberty and happiness until we wrest control of our lives from the ruling class!
#SystemFail #NoWarButClassWar #culturewar #divideandconquer #classwar #WhiteChristianNationalism #RepresentativeDemocracy #WakeUp #representativedemocracyisneither #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy #getinvolved #organize
19 GOP Attorneys General Seek Private Medical Records of Patients Who Obtain Out-of-State Abortions
It's happening People, and here's why/how.
Democracy at Work is a non-profit that analyzes capitalism critically...
We seek a stronger, fuller democracy – in our politics and culture as well as in our economy - based on workers’ equal collaboration and shared leadership inside enterprises and throughout society.
Global Capitalism: Capitalism Turns to the Authoritarian State
#WhiteChristianNationalism #goparefascists #democracyatwork
Unfortunately, 'stupid and racist' plays very well in MAGAville, and Tuberville leads the pack with regard to both.
#WhiteChristianNationalism #gopracists
Trump is the shining star of the illiterati.
The thing is, Trump doesn't even believe in white christian nationalism. (Does he believe in anything other than his own entitlement?) He's using it as a platform to further his own selfish interests. And white christian nationalists are too oblivious to notice they're being used.
#WhiteChristianNationalism #fascism
The laws protect the equality of the LGBTQ community in two impt ways.
First, they ensure equal access to goods & services. Imagine never knowing if you can actually get an item you need
Second, anti disc laws ensure equal dignity. Again, imagine never knowing is a store will say, sorry we don't serve your kind.
#SCOTUS #supremeCourt #WhiteChristianNationalism #LGBTQ #equality #law #lawFedi #lawFed #LawProf #303Creative
#scotus #supremecourt #WhiteChristianNationalism #lgbtq #equality #law #lawfedi #lawfed #lawprof #303creative
Does God exist? Only half of Americans say a definite yes
This is why white Christian nationalists are fighting even harder to control everyone else: “The PRRI report tracks a historic decline in the nation’s Christian population, especially among white people. The share of Americans who identify as white evangelical Protestants has dwindled from 23% to 14% since 2006.”
#christianity #atheism #religion #WhiteChristianNationalism #Politics #USPolitics
#uspolitics #politics #WhiteChristianNationalism #religion #atheism #christianity
NPR forgot some hashtags (probably just ran out of characters)
#ChristoFascists #WhiteChristianNationalism #Fascism
If you haven’t been paying attention, now is a good time to start because they aren’t hiding who they are or what they intend to do.
No matter where you live don’t think it can’t happen to you - that’s what folks in Nashville, Miami, and Ausin thought. https://mastodon.social/@npr/110243914706595179
#ChristoFascists #WhiteChristianNationalism #fascism
A Christian Nation? Understanding the Threat of Christian Nationalism to American Democracy and Culture
Good report and timely.
Chart showing Adherents, Sympathizers, Skeptics and Rejectors of Christian Nationalism based on a 5 question survey of 6,000 Americans.
#WhiteChristianNationalism #ChristoFascists #WhatWouldJesusDo
#WhiteChristianNationalism #ChristoFascists #whatwouldjesusdo
The thread above and linked article are the words of @ndrewwhitehead and Sam Perry, experts on #WhiteChristianNationalism and #christiannationalism, who legit wrote the book on it, “Taking America Back For God”. You should definitely read it.
#WhiteChristianNationalism #christiannationalism
The #WhiteChristianNationalism is in high gear in Austin already. Here is a State House rep, in coordination with the Texas Pastor Council and MyGodVotes, hosting services at the capitol on Tuesday nights. Walls separating church and state are looking flimsy at the moment.
White Supremacy and January 6: What’s Missing from the Congressional Report - CounterPunch.org
The question of whether white supremacist values are driving how the public understands J6 has been almost entirely ignored by U.S. journalists, intellectuals, and pollsters. A review of the Nexis Uni academic database finds that the national “agenda setting” newspaper – The New York Times – has not published a single news article in the last two years discussing J6 as related to white supremacy and the public at large.
#USPol #January6thCommittee #January6thReport #WhiteChristianNationalism #WhiteSupremacy
#whitesupremacy #WhiteChristianNationalism #january6threport #January6thCommittee #uspol
RT @RevJenButler@twitter.com
@BJContheHill@twitter.com Testifies to a Congressional Committee on the threat of #whiteChristianNationalism. This is such a clear articulation of the challenge it poses to the nation and why Christians oppose it. https://twitter.com/cjtackett/status/1609183240933318658
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RevJenButler/status/1610353996652224517
@rbreich The media made up the term #MAGA and #Trumpism to describe a violent brand of #Republicans who increasingly see the government as a means of power to impose their #WhiteChristianNationalism ideology and #democracy as an impediment to that power.
Let's call them what they are: an American #Fascist Movement
#maga #trumpism #republicans #WhiteChristianNationalism #democracy #fascist
In light of the @usedgov@twitter.com Office of Civil Rights opening an investigation into Granbury ISD, you can watch this (and the next video) to understand why this investigation is such a big deal. (1/2)
RT @cjtackett@twitter.com
I touched on the struggles we’ve seen in Granbury ISD, and what’s at the root of all of the #censorship and #bannedbooks during the 12/12/22 @DemocracyFwd@twitter.com panel. (1/2) #whitechristiannationalism
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cjtackett/status/1605229678343733250
#censorship #bannedbooks #WhiteChristianNationalism
I continue touching on the struggles we’ve seen in Granbury ISD, and what’s at the root of all of the #censorship and #bannedbooks during the 12/12/22 @DemocracyFwd@twitter.com panel. (2/2) #whitechristiannationalism
#censorship #bannedbooks #WhiteChristianNationalism