What do you call it when you’ve never spent a day in prison after committing crimes for 50+ years, including an attempt to overthrow the very gov’t that you — as a U.S. president — took a solemn oath to “preserve, protect and defend” to the best of your ability?
You call that WHITE PRIVILEGE; that’s what you call it.
#WhitePrivilege #DonaldTrump #WhitePrivilegeIs #WhitePrivilegeIsReal #WhiteCrimesMatter #WhiteCrimeMatters #WCM #DoubleStandards #EqualJustice #RacialProfiling #hypocrisy #racism
#Racism #hypocrisy #racialprofiling #equaljustice #doublestandards #wcm #whitecrimematters #whitecrimesmatter #WhitePrivilegeIsReal #whiteprivilegeis #DonaldTrump #whiteprivilege
Don’t tell me that racism doesn’t run rampant in America; don’t tell me that race doesn’t influence the application of the law.
Racism and the domestic terrorist threat of its volatile, armed-to-the-teeth proponents are the only reasons why White nationalist Trump isn’t in prison this very moment, serving a life sentence.
#Trump #MAGA #racism #justice #EqualJustice #WhitePrivilegeIsReal
#WhitePrivilegeIsReal #equaljustice #Justice #Racism #MAGA #Trump
#WhitePrivilegeIsReal in the US is not very different from #HinduPrivilege in India.
RT @Public_Citizen@twitter.com
#HinduPrivilege #WhitePrivilegeIsReal
#WhitePrivilegeIsReal and not different than #HinduPrivilege in India.
RT @SreenivasanJain@twitter.com
it’s a toss-up between podium dude and jamiroquai dude.
#HinduPrivilege #WhitePrivilegeIsReal