Es ist doch so: das #patriarchat hat sich erfunden, um mit Unterdrückung & #WhiteSupremcy jeden Anschein von menschlichen Schwächen für sich auszuschließen. Und je mehr dem Patriarchen deren eigene Schwächen, Abhängigkeiten & #not vorgeführt wir, unter denen er selber leidet, desto aggressiver leugnet er das und plustert sich auf. Und jetzt der #klimawandel…
#faschismus #misogynie #frauenhass #antisemitismus #sexismus #kolonialismus #rechtskonservative #toxicmasculinity #Männerbild #antifeminismusbekampfen #feminismusoderbarbarei #klimaaktivistensindkeineterroristen #schöpfung @fdp @cducsubt
#patriarchat #WhiteSupremcy #not #klimawandel #faschismus #misogynie #frauenhass #antisemitismus #sexismus #kolonialismus #rechtskonservative #toxicmasculinity #Männerbild #antifeminismusbekampfen #feminismusoderbarbarei #klimaaktivistensindkeineterroristen #schöpfung
@AnarchistFederation an interesting article and example of what antifascists have been warning for already for a decade: #neonazis are internationally networking, training to use fire-arms and are absorbing combat training they intent to use back home or learn to it to others in other countries. They form a local threat and should be surpressed.
Btw, a strange choice of quote from 'antifasist-europe' by Marina Akhmedova, from the 'Presidential Human Rights Council', parotting Russian state propaganda "I do not accept Nazism under the Ukrainian or Russian flag. Fortunately, in our country [Russia] it is not accepted at the state level, unlike in Ukraine." suggesting Russia is fighting nazism, which is blatantly untrue. As the article shows, fascists have been actively and openly organizing free corps units. The socalled "denazification" of Ukraine is nothing but a blatant lie and propagandic attempt by Russia to gain support for its imperialistic war. We as antifascists should refrain from repeating such lies (unintentionally) supporting Russian war efforts and obsucring authentic antifascist struggles.
#antifascism #internationalism #Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #WhiteSupremcy
#neonazis #antifascism #Internationalism #russia #ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #WhiteSupremcy
Vine exposed his racism and misogyny live on TV over 'woke'
#vine #racism #misogyny #woke #Colonalization #blacklivesmatter #slavery #WhiteSupremcy #etymology
I can't believe this needs saying in 2023 but ...
White supremacy is Nazi shit.
Christian Nationalism is Nazi shit.
Nazis are the bad guys from WWII.
#Nazis still exist. Even (especially?) in the USA. Today. Now.
#nazis #WhiteSupremcy #christiannationalism
Here's his 'apology'
“I’m very sorry for all the pain I forced the victims and their families to suffer through. I’m very sorry for stealing the lives of your loved ones. I cannot express how much I regret all the decisions I made leading up to my actions on May 14,” Payton Gendron, wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles, said in court.
“I did a terrible thing that day. I shot and killed people because they were Black. Looking back now, I can’t believe I actually did it. I believed what I read online and acted out of hate. I know I can’t take it back, but I wish I could, and I don’t want anyone to be inspired by me and what I did.”
#racism #Buffaloshooting #guns #WhiteSupremcy
A man who was photographed marching in the violent "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 killed himself last week.
Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, 35, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on January 30, according to a report from the Texas County Coroner's Office in Missouri. That is the same day Von Nukem was scheduled to be in court in Arizona, facing four counts relating to illegal import and sale of fentanyl.
Von Nukem was seen in two famous photos of the alt-right rally, wearing a black shirt in a large group of men chanting and holding tiki torches. He confirmed his identity to the Springfield News-Leader newspaper a week after the rally after being identified online by a former classmate. He told the newspaper he did not consider himself a White supremacist or neo-Nazi, but would not "counter-signal against them."
#poetic #WhiteSupremcy #selfawarewolves
@beadsland Yes, what is it with white, able bodied, cis #progressive #democrats who refuse to speak out against structural racism in their daily lives, and recreate #racism #ableism and #WhiteSupremcy by reposting videoes of violence and aggression towards Black folx. The same people who will argue against #DefundThePolice stating “that’s too far”, and continue to think by voting “D” they are making a difference!
#progressive #democrats #racism #ableism #WhiteSupremcy #DefundThePolice