RT @AlinejadMasih: Let’s non forget, 5 years ago #YasamanAryani, dared to take off her hijab and practice her civil disobedience as part of #WhiteWednesdays campaign. She is paying a a heavy price in prison. Event from jail she issued a statement to support #MahsaAmini
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/beatrizbecerrab/status/1582266432720883712
#YasamanAryani #WhiteWednesdays #MahsaAmini
Valentes! Companyes iranianes protesten contra l'opressió del règim traient-se el vel en públic, desafiant així la llei que obliga a portar-lo.
Un verdader exercici de desobediència civil i de consciència feminista. Força #WhiteWednesdays!
RT @AlinejadMasih: Tomorrow Iranian women will shake the clerical regime by removing their hijab and taking to the streets across Iran to say #No2Hijab. This is called Women Revolution.
In …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1547502703093465089