Other SSH scholars: That's one cool analytical disjunction!
Thanks, nice how you analyse action using only four ideal types, defenitely like that.
Have you seen that guy with his seven pattern variables? Looks a bit chunky but I guess I can work with that.
Whitehead: There are 27 categories of explanation.
#ssh #Whitehead #processandreality
#Whitehead found that since any #measure is distorted in relativity, the idea of measuring is prior to the (possibility of) measure itself. Abstract and unproductive concerning physics, but very tangible applied to science of #survey construction.
You can test for reliability and validity all you want (and you should) but it should not make you forget that your claim of measurability can never be verified. If your construct correlates sufficiently with another one, it doesn't tell you that it actually had the same reference.
This matters a fortiori for the actual culture of scrutinizing old constructs or their evolutionary varieties over time.
Like we would need to destroy the yardstick to prove its units identity, we would need to recur to a state of item that provides identity in measure, but that identity cannot refer to anything else and is lost as soon as it is synthezised in a another scope. Not saying it doesn't work but you must not reject constructivism. Mind the pragmatic frame of reference.
RT @ThouArtThat
I was re-reading Whitehead's 1938 book "Modes of Thought" and decided, what the hell, it deserves to be made into an audiobook. I'm uploading it chapter-by-chapter to YouTube right now.
#Whitehead #ProcessPhilosophy
And also the #FeministMethodology specific to #InformationTechnology proposed by #SusanLeighStar based on #Whitehead’s “#MisplacedConcretism”
and #MatthewFuller's #Media #Ecologies which extends this thinking to consider #technical #standards as “a material instantiation” of Whitehead's proposal. Combining Fuller's recipe for critical media engagement and Leigh Star's feminist methods suggests what could be called a vernacular approach to teaching with computational tools.
#standards #technical #ecologies #media #MatthewFuller #MisplacedConcretism #Whitehead #susanleighstar #informationtechnology #FeministMethodology
Whitehead: The Police State’s Reign Of Terror Continues… With Help From The Supreme Court
#Whitehead #PoliceState #Terror #SupremeCourt
#supremecourt #terror #policestate #Whitehead