États-Unis : La vérité sur la catastrophe ferroviaire à East Palestine, dans l'Ohio, ignorée par les médias mainstream
Alors que le monde cherche des #OVNIS... que dire du film "#WhiteNoise" d'accident ferroviaire tourné dans l'Ohio ?
https://lemediaen442.fr/etats-unis-la-verite-sur-la-catastrophe-ferroviaire-a-east-palestine-dans-lohio-ignoree-par-les-medias-mainstream/ https://nitter.net/LeMediaEn442/status/1625197488465448983#m
Eerily similar. The Ohio toxic train derailment and the Netflix movie White Noise.
# #ToxicCloud #Ohio #Trainwreck #Derailment #WhiteNoise #WhiteNoiseMovie #Netflix
#Netflix #whitenoisemovie #Whitenoise #derailment #trainwreck #Ohio #toxiccloud
I’m sure someone has beaten me to this observation, but do we basically have the plot of White Noise happening in rural Ohio this month? #whitenoise #delillo #eastpalestine #derailment #disasters
#disasters #derailment #eastpalestine #delillo #Whitenoise
@michaelmagras I like White Noise, too, and agree with your take. It loses momentum in the middle and almost gets it back (in a funny way), and the end credits are amazing. Adam Driver did a great job mastering the DeLillo-style dialogue. Really glad I watched it and points to Baumbach for trying something new. #film #movies #WhiteNoise
So, I just watched "White Noise." What an utterly bizarre film. I admire the attempt. I liked a lot about it. (Don't miss the credits.) But the tone was wildly inconsistent. I won't say more, but if anyone else has seen it, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I could go for some Pringles. #Film #Movies #WhiteNoise
I suggested watching #Whitenoise tonight on Netflix.
I don't think I'm going to get to suggest movies again for at least a week.
This special movie poster of White Noise, directed by Noah Baumbach, is awesome! So many details, I can look at it all day!
#Design #Whitenoise #poster #movie
Who wore it better Andre 3000 @OutKastDre@twitter.com vs. @AndySamberg@twitter.com/@jtimberlake edition
Just watched #WhiteNoise: a lot of weird ass fun. Vibe is live action The Mitchells vs the Machines with added dark abstraction and introspection.
Cinematography is beautiful.
Tweets from The Yungz about not getting #WhiteNoise are functionally equivalent to tweets from The Oldz about not getting some new musical act.
The movie was utterly confounding. 😖
I feel compelled to watch it again. 🤔
White Noise is fantastic, Adam Driver nailed middle aged dad ❤️
Let’s all just chill out and enjoy the supermarket 😊
#netflixwhitenoise #congratsnetflix #adamdriver #whitenoise #netflix
#Netflix #Whitenoise #adamdriver #congratsnetflix #netflixwhitenoise
White Noise was not nearly as bad as I had heard it was. I don’t think it really “worked,” but something about it — its source material, Adam Driver — was interesting enough. And I say this as a person who has never liked Baumbach. It made me want to read the book again, anyway.
Also: Lars Eidinger again! The most interesting actor I’ve seen lately.
#WhiteNoise on #Netflix is really great. The best of the book is perfectly captured. Don Cheadle as Murray is perfect.
#whitenoise is Brilliant. Go Netflix! It will be screened late night at Nietzschean revival tyme. #film Everyone has got it wrong #vox #polygon (if you are so in love with the book... reread it maybe?). Rivals American Beauty.
#polygon #vox #film #Whitenoise
What can I say, am an addict #netflix #nowwatching #whitenoise
#filmlover #movie #adamdriver #Whitenoise #nowwatching #Netflix
TV TONIGHT (December 30)
#WereHere #SlowHorses #TheWheel #WhiteNoise #TheEstablishedHome #HandcraftedHotels #Wildcat #Island #ChicagoPartyAunt #LaReinaDelSur #SecretsOfSummer #SmackDown #OrangeBowl #CollegeFootball #GoldRush #DestinationFear #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #destinationfear #goldrush #collegefootball #OrangeBowl #smackdown #secretsofsummer #lareinadelsur #chicagopartyaunt #Island #wildcat #handcraftedhotels #theestablishedhome #Whitenoise #thewheel #SlowHorses #werehere
Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Noah Baumbach takes a break from original works in adapting White Noise for the screen. After a brief theatrical release, #WhiteNoise finally hits #Netflix today. #film #movies #streaming
#Streaming #Movies #Film #Netflix #Whitenoise