#RPGaDAY2023 Day 12: The oldest #ttrpg I'm still playing is #WerewolftheApocalypse. I started running it with the 1st edition soon after it was published, moved on to 2nd ed then 2nd ed revised. I ran it for a dozen years till #WhiteWolf put the #WorldofDarkness lines to sleep. Then I went on a #WtA break for 17 years. Fast forward early 2023, I join a #WerewolftheApocalypse20thAnniversary as a player and now I'm having the time of my life! @TheOnyxPath #WorldofDarkness #rpg #jdr
#jdr #rpg #werewolftheapocalypse20thanniversary #wta #WorldofDarkness #Whitewolf #werewolftheapocalypse #ttrpg #rpgaday2023
After a game of #MagetheAscension20thAnniversary set in the #GlastonburyFestival, I'll run #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary set in the #EdinburghFestivalFringe. That will be my very 1st time running (and for that matter, "playing") #WraiththeOblivion after discovering this game way back in 1994. Needless to say I'm excited! #ttrpg #rpg @TheOnyxPath @roll20app #WhiteWolf #LETOGames #WorldofDarkness #jdr
#jdr #WorldofDarkness #letogames #Whitewolf #rpg #ttrpg #wraiththeoblivion #edinburghfestivalfringe #wraiththeoblivion20thanniversary #glastonburyfestival #magetheascension20thanniversary
@Fytz The 20th Anniversary line is @TheOnyxPath under #WhiteWolf / CCP license.
Anyway, I'll keep your request in mind if I run it at #ClubJdR.
11. I did a few times back in the late 80s, but that never did it to me. We were more into the theatre of the mind type of gaming before it was even a thing with #WhiteWolf.
Okay, not a lot is known about the Wakanda #DisneyPlus series #RyanCoogler will be working on, but I'd like to suggest an anthology series (maybe 8-10 episodes).
"KINGDOM OF WAKANDA" could be a series of stories about the lore of #Wakanda in the #MCU. You could have one story about Bashenga (the first Black Panther), you could have a story about young T'Chaka and bring back #AtandwaKani to reprise the role, you could have a story about the #DoraMilaje, maybe even something about #WhiteWolf. 🤔
#disneyplus #ryancoogler #wakanda #mcu #atandwakani #doramilaje #Whitewolf
Yesterday's game of #WerewolftheApocalypse woke an old itch up and I keep wondering whether I should give this behemoth of a book another chance at reading it. Because if I do, I'll have to run it. And if I do, I will commit to it. I love #MagetheAscension. I've always loved this #ttrpg since its very first edition and 2023 might be the right time to play with those 9 spheres again... #rpg #jdr #OnyxPath #WhiteWolf #WorldofDarkness
#WorldofDarkness #Whitewolf #OnyxPath #jdr #rpg #ttrpg #magetheascension #werewolftheapocalypse
Yesterday's game of #WerewolftheApocalypse woke an old itch up and I keep wondering whether I should give this behemoth of a book another chance at reading it. Because if I do, I'll have to run it. And if I do, I will commit to it. I love #MagetheAscension. I've always loved this #ttrpg since its very first edition and 2023 might be the right time to play with those 9 spheres again... #rpg #jdr #OnyxPath #WhiteWolf #WorldofDarkness
#WorldofDarkness #Whitewolf #OnyxPath #jdr #rpg #ttrpg #magetheascension #werewolftheapocalypse
Happy to fight the Wyrm again, as a player this time. I GMed #WerewolftheApocalypse for a good decade without ever sitting as a player. Then I moved on to other #ttrpgs for about 15 years without looking back until now. So this is a bit of a special day to me, quite like rekindling with a former lover. #OnyxPath #WhiteWolf #rpg #jdr
#jdr #rpg #Whitewolf #OnyxPath #ttrpgs #werewolftheapocalypse
@Morgunin Generell komme ich von #FreeLeague ab.
Das Ganze Geschäftsgebaren erinnert mich zu sehr an alte #WhiteWolf oder noch eher an #FFG.
Alle fünf Minuten ein neues Rollenspiel in der gleichen Welt, weil sich Regelwerke besser verkaufen als #Splatbooks. Die bestehenden Systeme werden eher sporadisch und langsam mit Zusatzmaterial versorgt… #Symbaroum #Coriolis #TOR usw.
Das Ganze hat langsam ein schales Geschmäckle für mich.
#FreeLeague #Whitewolf #FFG #splatbooks #symbaroum #Coriolis #tor
So Vampire ist vorbei, wir warten nun drauf das ein Sabat Rudel die Feste von Vlad Tepes angreift. #pnpde #oWoD #Whitewolf #Vampire
#pnpde #oWoD #Whitewolf #vampire