#contact #aboutus #WhoWeAre #africa #DWAkademie
Adjoa is one of many strong women who are in the frontline of the fight against diseases in Senegal.
The EU works closely with Senegal’s Health Care Workers to strengthen the country’s healthcare system.
Learn more - https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/en/heroes/adjoa
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1598633078649389058
Thanks to the Erasmus Mundus programme, Yi Ling studied abroad and explored the world!
Find out more about her story and the EU’s global commitment to invest in education.
Visit the #GlobalGateway’s website: https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/en/heroes/yi-ling
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1596458748037373953
How is the EU bridging the digital divide? 💻
One of the examples is a submarine 🌊 optical fibre cable that brings fast-speed broad-band connection to Latin America.
Want to know more? Click here: https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/en/heroes/lautaro
#GlobalGateway #WhoWeAre #euintheworld
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1593922040838455297
#GlobalGateway #WhoWeAre #EUInTheWorld
Digital connections create human connections 🔗
Discover Lautaro’s story in the #GlobalGateway digital platform.
Find out how broadband connection helped him bring creative projects to life.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1592472484179320833
Adjoa’s experience as a nurse in Dakar 🇸🇳 shows how hard it is to tackle a pandemic when access to medication and vaccines is still limited.
Through #GlobalGateway, EU strengthens health and pharmaceutical systems in Africa. #WhoWeAre
Learn how: https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/en/heroes/adjoa
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1591022943135535105
Join the live chat in the #GlobalGateway digital platform today at 19:00 CET!
🔸 Meet our digitalisation hero Lautaro & learn how broadband connection helped him bring creative projects to life
🔸 Take part in a Q&A session w/ Marleen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1590298163641982984
La experiencia de Adjoa como enfermera en el Hospital Fann de Dakar demuestra lo difícil que es hacer frente a una pandemia en un país cuyo acceso a los medicamentos y las vacunas sigue siendo limitado.
Conoce su historia.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1590253356513107968
Las conexiones digitales son conexiones humanas: la historia de Lautaro es el ejemplo perfecto.
Descubre el verdadero poder de la conectividad y cómo cambia la vida de las personas.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1586652630251601921
RT @EU_Partnerships: The EU is working to make educational systems stronger through the #GlobalGateway strategy.
Youth, research and innovation all benefit from this European strategy thanks to programmes like Erasmus Mundus
Learn more at: https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/en/heroes/yi-ling
#GlobalGateway #WhoWeAre #EUInTheWorld
The EU is working to make educational systems stronger through the #GlobalGateway strategy.
Youth, research and innovation all benefit from this European strategy thanks to programmes like Erasmus Mundus
Learn more at: https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/en/heroes/yi-ling
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1585575006960078849
#GlobalGateway #WhoWeAre #EUInTheWorld
RT @EU_Partnerships: The EU is working to make educational systems stronger through the #GlobalGateway strategy.
Youth, research and innovation all benefit from this European strategy thanks to programmes like Erasmus Mundus
Learn more at: https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/en/heroes/yi-ling
#GlobalGateway #WhoWeAre #EUInTheWorld
Ready to meet the #GlobalGateway digital platform’s education hero?
Yi Ling left Malaysia and travelled all the way to Europe to continue her studies, discover new countries and cultures.
Watch the full video to get to know her: https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/en/heroes/yi-ling
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1584869884252639232
✅ Promoting sustainable agriculture
✅ Developing circular economies
✅ Fostering better governance
These are just some of the actions as part of the EU-Guatemala multi-annual collaboration!
Read more: https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/en/
#GlobalGateway #WhoWeAre #euintheworld
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1583770315108552704
#GlobalGateway #WhoWeAre #EUInTheWorld
Estudiar en Europa transformó la manera de ver el mundo de Yi Ling 🌎.
¡Dale al play! #WhoWeAre #GlobalGateway
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1583338542956249093
Only a few hours left!
The first virtual event in the #GlobalGateway digital platform is happening today at 7pm CET. We’re looking forward to meeting you on our virtual island.
Prepare for this exciting new experience and meet us there - https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1582672907125170176
Tomorrow is the day! Our first virtual event will take place in the #GlobalGateway digital platform at 7pm.
You will meet Maria Møller and Ana, our hero from Guatemala, and learn more about sustainable farming processes.
Join us there - https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1582310531024707585
Mis on „Global Gateway“?
See on uus ELi strateegia „Globaalvärav“, mille eesmärk on edendada nutikaid, keskkonnasäästlikke ja turvalisi ühendusi digi-, energia- ja transpordivaldkonnas ning tugevdada tervishoiu-, haridus- ja teadussüsteeme.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EuroopaKomisjon/status/1578688217850576899
RT @EU_Partnerships: Discover the new #GlobalGateway digital platform - https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/
Our shared digital space is the perfect place to get to know new people and reflect on global issues to make a difference for our shared future.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1580598344518205451
Discover the new #GlobalGateway digital platform - https://global-gateway.campaign.europa.eu/
Our shared digital space is the perfect place to get to know new people and reflect on global issues to make a difference for our shared future.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1580591048593911808