Is there a standard format for linking #fic on here yet?
A Human Element
Person of Interest
Harold Finch/John Reese
General Audiences
"John's been shot, beaten up and stabbed with a fork. As Harold finds out, that doesn't mean that his troubles are over."
#fic #Whumptober #Whumptober2022
I think this is my favorite #whumptober fic I've written so far 😊
Title: what wound did ever heal (but by degrees?)
Fandom: The #Sandman (TV 2022)
Pairings: Morpheus & Hob, Morpheus/Hob (gen or pre-slash) aka #dreamling
Word Count: 5k
Summary: The Magdalene Grimoire, in the possession of a true worker of magicks, still had the keys to summon and trap an Endless.
#Whumptober #sandman #dreamling
I was a #Whumptober completionist in 2020 ☺️ Back then it was nothing but whumping Sam ( but this year will be multifandom, with my first fics posted to #TheSandman (TV Series) and #Spideypool fandoms. Super excited.
#Whumptober #thesandman #spideypool