I’m writing this afternoon & things just got freaky in this manuscript. Think succubus and a very sick man with Yellow Fever.
I’m goin’ there.
#WhyAmILikeThis #amwriting #writingcommunity
So I speak English, German and a little bit of Spanish. My coworkers in the kitchen are mostly from Serbia or Croatia. I caught myself saying "Dobro Dobro!" "Okay okay" and responding to simple Serbian commands and realized I'm learning Serbian 13th Warrior style. Why is language? #13thwarrior #language #whyamilikethis
#13thwarrior #language #WhyAmILikeThis
Oo I got a new toy
#MusiciansOfMastodon #musodon #microphone #microphones #AudioNerd #MusicNerd #MusicNerds #WhyAmILikeThis
#musiciansofmastodon #musodon #microphone #microphones #audionerd #MusicNerd #MusicNerds #WhyAmILikeThis
Why does paper writing ALWAYS go to some kind of horror deadline? I said I'd submit it before Christmas. I promised I'd submit it before Christmas. Yet, here I am. Still editing. Still chasing up co-authors. #publishing #paperwriting #WhyAmILikeThis
#publishing #paperwriting #WhyAmILikeThis
Why does paper writing ALWAYS go to some kind of horror deadline? I said I'd submit it before Christmas. I promised I'd submit it before Christmas. Yet, here I am. Still editing. Still chasing up co-authors. #publishing #paperwriting #WhyAmILikeThis
#publishing #paperwriting #WhyAmILikeThis
If I get to the point of telling myself "it's so simple, just do it" then I know in my soul that I will not be doing it for a very long time. #adhd #executivedysfunction #WhyAmILikeThis #justdoit
#adhd #executivedysfunction #WhyAmILikeThis #justdoit
Took off the Blarney Business Park for my NCT this morning only to discover I booked the test in Little Island. #AdultingIsHard #WhyAmILikeThis
#AdultingIsHard #WhyAmILikeThis
well, i failed in public, i guess i'll have to go crawl under a rock, there to stay for the rest of my pathetic, miserable existence. #WhyAmILikeThis #ItsNotActuallyTheEndOfTheWorld
#WhyAmILikeThis #ItsNotActuallyTheEndOfTheWorld