Samuel Was a Mormon, a Post-Mormon Profile Spotlight #ClosingTestimony, #ExitStory, #ExitTestimony, #Exmormon, #LiesMyChurchToldMe, #MormonFaithCrisis, #Postmormon, #ProfileSpotlight, #Quote, #WasmormonProfile, #WhyILeft
#WhyILeft #wasmormonprofile #quote #profilespotlight #postmormon #mormonfaithcrisis #liesmychurchtoldme #exmormon #exittestimony #exitstory #closingtestimony
Born and raised in Germany and live now in Texas. I was a mormon.
We left the church as a whole family.
Why we left: Church history, sexism, homophobia, racism.
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#breakingpoint #mormonshelf #churchofjesuschrist #lds #postmo #postmormon #mormon #leavingreligion #WhyILeft #mormonstory #exmo #exmormon
I learned that the reason why black men could not receive the #priesthood was pure #racism. I learned that the #mormonchurch is a #racist, #misogynistic organization that does not deserve the loyalty of its members - so I #resigned my membership. #whyileft #leavingchurch #exmo #exmormon #cultsurvivor #ldschurch #mormon
#mormon #ldschurch #cultsurvivor #exmormon #exmo #leavingchurch #WhyILeft #Resigned #misogynistic #racist #mormonchurch #racism #Priesthood
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#ldschurch #leavingreligion #WhyILeft #faithdeconstruction #FaithNoMore #exittestimony #exmormons #exmormonism #exmormon
December 6, 1989. #NeverForget 🌹 École Polytechnique Massacre. Geneviève Bergeron, Hélène Colgan, Nathalie Croteau, Barbara Daigneault, Anne-Marie Edward, Maud Haviernick, Maryse Laganière, Maryse Leclair, Anne-Marie Lemay, Sonia Pelletier, Michèle Richard, Annie St-Arneault, Annie Turcotte, and Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz. May their deaths be not in vain. End violence against women NOW. #IBelieveLucy #BeenRapedNeverReported #MMIW #AmINext #InquiryNow #YesAllWomen #IBelieveThem #WhyILeft
#WhyILeft #ibelievethem #yesallwomen #inquirynow #aminext #mmiw #beenrapedneverreported #ibelievelucy #neverforget
- Brik
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#apostake #mormontruthclaims #cognitivedissonance #faithcrisis #mormonshelf #faithtransition #ldschurch #mormon #WhyILeft #mormonprofile #exmo #closingtestimony #exitstory #postmormon #exmormon #wasmormon
I am living my life as a free, educated, single but happy woman who has found a true relationship with my Savior. I am no longer a Mormon. I no longer hate myself.
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#faithtransition #ldschurch #mormon #WhyILeft #mormonprofile #closingtestimony #exitstory #postmormon #exmormon #wasmormon
I like camping, hiking, fishing, and trail running. I enjoy watching sumo wrestling and rugby. I am a husband, father, good neighbor, and engineer. I was a Mormon.
My conscience burned knowing that I was part of supporting such dishonesty and I couldn't stay.
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