The biggest thing that gets my dander up is fixing sloppy work by other people who’s literal job is to do the thing. Today I am dealing with not one, not two, but THREE such cases. In each, I am either the paying customer, or the volunteer and they are the paid employee. So in addition, i am either paying for the work not being done, or doing the paid employees job for them. I cannot just “not do it”, because I am the one suffering most - and will lose the most - from it not being done, so doing it is least of the two evils in the longrun. :blobfacepalm:
#DoYourJob #PayMe #WhyIsTheCompetentOneNeverPaid #IDidntVolunteerForThis #NotMyJob
#DoYourJob #PayMe #WhyIsTheCompetentOneNeverPaid #IDidntVolunteerForThis #NotMyJob
The biggest thing that gets my dander up is fixing sloppy work by other people who’s literal job is to do the thing. Today I am dealing with not one, not two, but THREE such cases. In each, I am either the paying customer, or the volunteer and they are the paid employee. So in addition, i am either paying for the work not being done, or doing the paid employees job for them. :blobfacepalm:
#DoYourJob #PayMe #WhyIsTheCompetentOneNeverPaid #IDidntVolunteerForThis #NotMyJob
#DoYourJob #PayMe #WhyIsTheCompetentOneNeverPaid #IDidntVolunteerForThis #NotMyJob
The biggest thing that gets my dander up is fixing sloppy work by other people who’s literal job is to do the thing. Today I am dealing with not one, not two, but THREE such cases. In each, I am either the paying customer, or the volunteer and they are the paid employee. So in addition, i am either paying for the work not being done, or doing the paid employees job for them. :blobfacepalm:
#DoYourJob #PayMe #WhyIsTheCompetentOneNeverPaid
#DoYourJob #PayMe #WhyIsTheCompetentOneNeverPaid
The biggest thing that gets my dander up is fixing sloppy work by other people who’s literal job is to do the thing. Today I am dealing with not one, not two, but THREE such cases. In each, I am either the paying customer, or the volunteer and they are the paid employee. So in addition, i am either paying for the work not being done, or doing the paid employees job for them. :blobfacepalm:
#DoYourJob #PayMe #WhyIsTheCompetentOneNeverPaid
#DoYourJob #PayMe #WhyIsTheCompetentOneNeverPaid