Every time I read this, I chuckle.
Hanzel sat in a chair by the bed. "Something on your mind?"
Jack yawned again. "Always. What's up?"
"The post came today."
Jack gave him a flat look. "Hanzel, the post comes *every* day."
The footman raised an eyebrow. "So much lip today."
"I got five hours of sleep! Shouldn't strapping young men get like 14 hours of sleep a day?"
Hanzel chortled. "I think 8-9 should suffice."
Jack gazed at the pillows. "That's a damn shame."
He tapped his glasses, took them off, put them on again, brushed his hand through his hair, tapped his glasses...
“For God’s sake, Randall, get your act together and speak to me!”
It didn’t help. If anything, it made his obsession with being in /exactly/ the right position and state of mind before telling her his suspicion even worse.
“I’m sorry.”
He mumbled, while he went through another attempt to find the right words, rhythm, and position.
#WiPQuote #amwriting #ocd #neurodivergent
Thousands of books and poems had been written about it, every single song seemed to revolve around it, people had suffered, even killed for it, and yet, to him, that one thing stayed a mystery.
Besilya strolled into the camp, one hand on her horse’s reins, the other still on the hilt of her sword. Tents dotted the outer courtyard, with horses tied to lines in one corner. Nothing unusual here, she’s been in plenty of similar camps. The wizard probably resided in what remained of the former great hall, or maybe even one of the towers, not that they looked very stable anymore.
The Bard's Bauble, a short story
#litrpg #writingcommunity #WiPQuote
Tegray had settled down at this inn, something adventurers did when they felt the time had come to give up sleeping on hard ground and trading blows with thugs or monsters.
There had been plenty of that, after all, and even Besilya carried a handful of scars from plans that had gone beyond wrong. Tegray had more, she knew that well. She might have kissed quite a few of them, too.
A Bard's Bauble, short story.
(No idea when I'll publish it.)
#litrpg #writingcommunity #WiPQuote
Besilya raised the flute to her lips, but only got out a few lilting notes before she sensed magic. Someone was gathering power for an attack. Changing the tune, she turned her own power into a protective shield, but it wasn’t even fully in place before the other spell struck.
The Bard's Bauble, short story.
#litrpg #writingcommunity #WiPQuote
To the innocent beholder, this place would have looked like nothing special. Just a few trees in the otherwise rather austere, mountainous landscape.
Only that Randall wasn’t an innocent beholder.
@DoctorMonkey2 @floofpaldi
She had done it again.
With a deep-drawn sigh, Randall opened his own, neatly organized camera bag, took out one of his custom-made, washed, specially prepared, and ironed cleaning cloths, cleaned the lens of Lix’s camera, gave the lid a scrutinizing stare, cleaned it as well, and put it in place.
“What the hell do you think you are doing, Randall Brown?”
Lix burst into the office, so abruptly that Randall very nearly dropped camera and cloth.
With drinks and bowls in hand, they made their way to the veranda and savored the meal in the evening’s warmth. They talked of everything and nothing, dancing around the nervous tension that weighed on each breath, each heartbeat, each moment of eye contact. Eventually, Vince went to top off their drinks, then they lounged in their chairs, watching the stars twinkle into existence against the periwinkle sky.
Emery didn’t know which view she preferred more.
"With drinks and bowls in hand, they made their way to the veranda and savored the meal in the evening’s warmth. They talked of everything and nothing, dancing around the nervous tension that weighed on each breath, each heartbeat, each moment of eye contact. Eventually, Vince went to top off their drinks, then they lounged in their chairs, watching the stars twinkle into existence against the periwinkle sky.
Emery didn’t know which view she preferred more."
With drinks and bowls in hand, they made their way to the veranda and savored the meal in the evening’s warmth. They talked of everything and nothing, dancing around the nervous tension that weighed on each breath, each heartbeat, each moment of eye contact. Eventually, Vince went to top off their drinks, then they lounged in their chairs, watching the stars twinkle into existence against the periwinkle sky.
Emery didn’t know which view she preferred more.
#fridaykiss #fantasyromance #WiPQuote
"With drinks and bowls in hand, they made their way to the veranda and savored the meal in the evening’s warmth. They talked of everything and nothing, dancing around the nervous tension that weighed on each breath, each heartbeat, each moment of eye contact. When their meals were done, Vince topped off their drinks and they lounged in their chairs, watching the stars twinkle into existence against the periwinkle sky.
Emery didn’t know which view she preferred more."
"Come on. Let’s get changed, then head out in five."
“Changed?" Emery followed him. "Changed into what?”
Vince placed the bowls in the sink, then turned around. “Did you buy a bathing suit?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Yes.”
“Go put it on, then wear something loose-fitting over it. I’ll grab the towels.”
She turned toward her room as he moved toward her. “The beach is probably going to have crowds.”
But he just grinned. “I never said anything about the beach.”
"Come on. Let’s get changed, then head out in five."
“Changed?" Emery followed him. "Changed into what?”
Vince placed the bowls in the sink, then turned around. “Did you buy a bathing suit?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Yes.”
“Go put it on, then wear something loose-fitting over it. I’ll grab the towels.”
She turned toward her room as he moved toward her. “The beach is probably going to have crowds, even at this hour.”
But he just grinned. “I never said anything about the beach.”
#WIPQuote #FantasyRomance #AmWriting
“Changed?” Emery followed him. “Changed into what?”
He placed the bowls in the sink, then turned around. “Did you buy a bathing suit?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Yes.”
... “Go put it on, then wear something loose-fitting over it. I’ll grab the towels.”
She turned toward her room as he moved toward her. “The beach is probably going to have crowds, even at this hour.”
But he just grinned. “I never said anything about the beach.”
#amwriting #fantasyromance #WiPQuote
“Changed?” Emery followed him. “Changed into what?”
He placed the bowls in the sink, then turned around. “Did you buy a bathing suit?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Yes.”
... “Go put it on, then wear something loose-fitting over it. I’ll grab the towels.”
She turned toward her room as he moved toward her. “The beach is probably going to have crowds, even at this hour.”
But he just grinned. “I never said anything about the beach.”
A muscular forearm grabs me from behind, I am pulled backwards and feel a warm breath beneath my ear.
“Strange Seawolf?”
A low voice growls.
My thoughts are racing.
Who is assaulting me at my own front door?
And knows the connection between me and my pen name?
@ixtlidekami probably knows where that is coming from and what it will be about...
I tell you, spending some time in a (so far) side character's head is so interesting!
"Lan had graduated in Spacecraft Electronics and Foreign Territory Civil Engineering just aged 19, one of the youngest graduates the prestigious Demeter Heights University of Charkovaya had ever seen and the youngest to complete two of the most complex majors at the same time.
But to her family, this was just a second-tier success."
#WiPQuote #amwritingscifi #WritingCommunity
They felt the colors of the inter-dimensional shift.
They smelled the vibration.
The damp sound of grappling with an unraveling space.
They had missed this.
Vince took [a towel] for himself, then handed Emery two.
“Thank you.” As she grabbed them, their fingers touched.
And suddenly, the world just… stopped.
Their eyes met once more, and suddenly he couldn’t breathe.
A moment, an eternity, later, Emery shyly smiled and turned toward her room. “I’m going to go change.”
“Right,” he said stupidly. “I should, too.”
In his room, Vince put his back to the door and banged his head against the wood.
#writingcommunity #fantasyromance #WiPQuote