Researchers discover a security loophole allowing attackers to use WiFi to see through walls which attackers can localize someone's devices and spoof beacons to pretend there's buffered traffic. The client's requested this traffic and revealed the MAC address. Fake frames are sent to the victims and the time-of-flight of the response is used for localization which can be done from cheap drones.
They have been using an ultra-light DJI mini 2 drone with two lightweight WiFi chips (an ESP8266 and ESP32). The idea is that you can now "look inside the room" and learn where devices are located.
#wipeep #wirelesssecurity #dronehack #drone #wifihack #security
#WiPeep #wirelesssecurity #dronehack #drone #wifihack #security
Via LLRX - Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on #cybersecurity issues, November 12, 2022 - Four highlights from this week: Researchers Devise #WiPeep #Drone That Can ‘See Through Walls’; Is #Cybersecurity Awareness Month Anything More Than PR?; The Fallout From the First Trial of a Corporate Executive for ‘Covering Up’ a #Data #Breach; and What to Do When You’ve Been #Hacked.
#cybersecurity #WiPeep #drone #data #breach #Hacked
Ora un drone può spiare le persone attraverso i muri
Con un drone e menti #brillanti, un gruppo di #scienziati belgi dell’#Università di #Waterloo, guidato dal dottor Ali Abedi, ha creato un elicottero in grado di determinare la posizione dei dispositivi collegati al #WiFi attraverso i muri con una precisione fino a un metro.
Per fare ciò, i #ricercatori hanno dovuto creare un dispositivo chiamato #WiPeep, assemblato da componenti ampiamente disponibili in #commercio che costano solo 20 dollari.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #commercio #WiPeep #ricercatori #wifi #waterloo #università #scienziati #brillanti
📬 Wi-Peep: Technologie erkennt smarte Geräte auch durch Wände
#Datenschutz #Hacking #Studie #AliAbedi #AnnualInternationalConferenceonMobileComputingandNetworking #DeepakVasisht #Exploit #PoliteWiFi #WiFiModul #WiPeep
#WiPeep #WiFiModul #PoliteWiFi #exploit #DeepakVasisht #AnnualInternationalConferenceonMobileComputingandNetworking #AliAbedi #studie #hacking #datenschutz