@drunkenmadman Whilst not wishing the ambitious project to be screwed up, I set #DysguCymraeg students of mine a slightly less ambitious task of translating or expanding articles for the #Wicipedia #Cymraeg. I'd post their contribution (from a text doc), then edit the article for grammar etc, and finally they could view corrections in the review history. http://gwenu.com/2014/02/14/dysgwyr-cymraeg-yn-creu-cynnwys-ar-gyfer-y-wicipedia/
#dysgucymraeg #Wicipedia #cymraeg
“the people, who always pay the full price, are going to have the final say over their own destinies...they who do the fighting will do the deciding" - #RobertLOwen
Dyn o bwys yn yr UDA, hynafiaeth #Cherokee a Chymreig
Un da i #Wicipedia ?
#Wicipedia #cherokee #robertlowen
Pennod 8/
Un o sêr mwyaf y Sîn Roc Gymraeg oedd gwestai arbennig sesiwn "Tua'r Gorllewin" #AcEraill
'special guest' 70s:
"Rhyfeddfod o'dd e!" - #CleifHarpwood
🎧Am wybod mwy? : 🎧https://soundcloud.com/dailingual/hanes-pop-cymraeg-cleif-h?si=6f476bacfb2c40948fb1d8cd1e6451e1&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Llun: @nwdls #Wicipedia
gyda diolch
#Wicipedia #cleifharpwood #meicstevens #rockfieldstudios #aceraill #70cleif
Intro in hashtags:
#IndyWales #YesCymru #YesCymruRhuthun #YDyddOlaf #OpenContent #OpenAccess #Wicipedia #Cymraeg #Cyflyru #RebelArYWe
#rhoi #rhanu #cyfrannu #RebelArYWe #Cyflyru #cymraeg #Wicipedia #openaccess #opencontent #YDyddOlaf #YesCymruRhuthun #yescymru #indywales
@newidyn A reit. Dwi'n trio meddwl am erthygl/dudalen sy'n unigryw i'r #Wicipedia Cymraeg sydd efo data, ond allai ond meddwl am un reit diflas ac anghyflawn, sef ymwelwyr â'r Eisteddfod. https://cy.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhestr_ffigurau_ymwelwyr_%C3%A2%27r_Eisteddfod_Genedlaethol