FiXato · @FiXato
409 followers · 10853 posts · Server

for post by @stephenfry:
A tour bus operated by Tours which depicts several of their destinations / tours, and the captions "and much more..." and "simply the best":
& (accompanied by a photo of the dreadful "Arbeid Macht Frei" entrance sign), Salt Mine (with a photo of the salt crystal chandeliers inside the mines, probably taken at the underground cathedral), 's Sites (accompanied by a black and white photo of Nazi soldiers), & Mountains (with a photo of those mountains and the body of water in front of it), and their "KrakVille Tours" logo.

Dreadful marketing aside, I've visited both Auschwitz (& Birkenau) and the Wieliczka Salt Mine, and both were impressive in their own ways. The former in a "please, never again" kind of impression, while the latter has some really beautiful salt sculptures and entire chapels hewn out of the rocks. (Sadly the nazis also abused the mine for weapons manufacturing and forced labour by their many prisoners..)

#imagedescription #krakville #auschwitz #birkenau #Wieliczka #schindler #zakopane #tatra

Last updated 2 years ago

cakkermans · @cakkermans
318 followers · 285 posts · Server

This concert was recorded in the underground church of , near , excavated in an ancient salt mine 130 meters below ground. It is a unique place and classified by UNESCO, and its acoustics are considered to be the most beautiful in Europe.

Zbigniew Preisner
Preisner's Music (1995)

#Wieliczka #Krakow #poland #nowplaying

Last updated 2 years ago

Beata Szydło · @BeataSzydlo
0 followers · 151 posts · Server

Na skutek naiwnej polityki wiele krajów Europy, na czele z Niemcami, uzależniło się od dostaw gazu z Rosji. Nie słuchano ostrzeżeń, np. tego, co w PE mówili posłowie @pisorgpl. Teraz wszyscy przyznają nam rację.
W rozmawiamy o Polsce i Europie. ♥️🇵🇱


#Wieliczka #PolskawSercu

Last updated 2 years ago

Bogdan Klich · @BogdanKlich
8 followers · 1219 posts · Server

RT @POMalopolska: Dziś rozmawiamy z mieszkańcami ! Drożyzna dotknęła wszystkich, dlatego postulujemy rozwiązania, które pomogą ochronić kieszenie Polek i Polaków przed postępującą inflacją.

Więcej przedstawimy na naszym kongresie regionalnym już 24 maja! Bądźcie z nami!


#Wieliczka #PomocnaPolska

Last updated 3 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

Not quite sure what exactly to put on the new shelf, but for now it holds two homemade watercolour paintings (on the left the anniversary painting I made for @Siiw of her and angling a phone to fish-me, and to its right a painting of a rainbow-coloured feather that she herself did) and two souvenirs from the caves of , (a and and ).
Lit up by a standing on the bookcase to the right.

#beardgrabber #salt #Wieliczka #poland #dragon #eagle #lavalamp #dailyphoto #personal #organising #athome

Last updated 3 years ago