Ça y est #Wikipédia et les autres projets #Wikimédia ont un #logo #sonore ! 🎧
Cette marque sonore va permettre aux utilisateur·ices de synthèse vocale de reconnaître des contenus issus des projets #wikimedia quelque soit le site ou la plateforme qui rediffusent ces #contenus #libres et gratuits.
#WikiSoundLogo #wikipedia #wikimedia #logo #sonore #contenus #libres #inclusionnumerique #sounddesign #numeriqueethique
RT @Wikimedia
🔊 Wikimedians, are you ready?
We are thrilled to announce that we have found the winning entry to The Sound of All Human Knowledge contest! Fun fact: We used the actual sound logo to create the sound wave in this video. ▶️
I'm bemused at the strength of feeling I have about some of these. 1 of them I actively dislike and another I'm not keen on, whereas several are quite lovely.
Gonna have to come back to these and see what I feel
RT @Wikimedia@twitter.com:
Dear Wikimedia contributors: #WikiSoundLogo voting is open now!
You will be selecting a sound that will play whenever people listen to content from Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects on smart devices and more.
Play your part and vote now.
I'm bemused at the strength of feeling I have about some of these. 1 of them I actively dislike and another I'm not keen on, whereas several are quite lovely.
Gonna have to come back to these and see what I feel
RT @Wikimedia@twitter.com:
Dear Wikimedia contributors: #WikiSoundLogo voting is open now!
You will be selecting a sound that will play whenever people listen to content from Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects on smart devices and more.
Play your part and vote now.
RT @Wikimedia
#ICYMI: We have launched a contest to find a sound that will represent all Wikimedia projects, including @Wikipedia, on smart speakers and more around the globe.
Want to learn more? Check out our info page and watch this video. ➡️ http://soundlogo.wikimedia.org
RT @Wikimedia
We asked the world what they think the #WikiSoundLogo should be... and the world listened!
Now, you can hear a random sampling of qualifying submissions, get your groove on, and get inspired.
La Wiki anda buscando un sonido que la identifique. En palabras de ellos, que suene tal como “todo el conocimiento humano” sonaría.
RT @Wikipedia
Wikipedia needs your help!
We are inviting everyone to create and submit a sound that could become the logo that identifies Wikipedia content on smart devices and more around the world.
Play your part: http://soundlogo.wikimedia.org
RT @Wikipedia
Have you ever asked a smart device a question? If yes, you probably got an answer from Wikipedia without knowing it.
People deserve to know where their info is coming from. That’s why @Wikimedia launched the #WikiSoundLogo competition.
Play your part: http://soundlogo.wikimedia.org
RT @Wikimedia_Fr
Le mouvement Wikimedia va se doter d'une identité sonore, par exemple, pour les assistants vocaux virtuels qui répondent à vos questions.
Proposez un son avant le 10 octobre http://soundlogo.wikimedia.org