Belgium might also be the most active country in regards of Govdirectory on #Wikidata right now so it's a great place to start if you want to have someone to collaborate with. Check it out on
There is of course much more to be done here, and if you want to help, checkout the project page on #Wikidata at
Check out what's been happening around #Wikidata over the past week:
#1Jour1Requête #SPARQL #Wikidata #cimetière #Nancy
En voyant la vaste étendue des cimetières de l'agglomération nancéienne sur la carte, je me suis demandé si on pouvait avoir les noms de celles et ceux qui sont nés ou sont morts à Nancy, et dont le lieu de sépulture (si connu), se situe en Meurthe-et-Moselle.
La requête :
Résultat : le lieu de sépulture n'est renseigné que pour 40 personnes sur 1230. Y a du taf !
#1jour1requete #sparql #Wikidata #cimetiere #nancy
Oh, Google. Did you stay out too late last night? #Wikidata #Wikimedia #Wikipedia
#Wikidata #wikimedia #wikipedia
Robots, Heists and Roofs: here is what happened around #Wikidata over the past week!
I'm working on adding labels from the #VintageFashionGuild to :wikidata: #Wikidata. Lots of research - obituaries, company records, retail #fashion stores from the 1940s through 1960s. It's slow going but fun.
#vintagefashionguild #Wikidata #fashion
Teeth, Expeditions and Space: here is what happened around #Wikidata over the past week!
@atomicpoet And we have about 50'000 video games on #Wikidata. I think about 20k of them are Steam games... There's still a lot to be done...
Did you see us at #Wikimania and have questions? Or are you just curious anyway? Whatever the reason, in one hour you can join us in one hour in our weekly collab hour.
#wikimania #civictech #Wikidata #sdg16
Some of my #toolforge projects for #wikidata and #wikipedia (Mix'n'match, baGLAMa2) use #RustLang with a permanently running background process, which heavily uses multithreaded async.
There is an issue across these (pretty independent) codebases that the process runs fine for hours, then pauses, without explanation. Mutex locks, reqwest timeouts, all checked. Very difficult to debug.
Any ideas what it could be, or how to debug it?
#toolforge #Wikidata #wikipedia #RustLang
Here is what happened around #Wikidata over the past week!
Knowledge Beyond Boundaries is kicking off now, with a day of libraries-and-Wikidata topics, at the National Library, Singapore.
#Wikidata #singapore #libraries
In 25 minutes we have our weekly collab hour. Do you have any follow up questions after our #wikimania sessions (or any other questions for that matter), please join us!
#civictech #wikidata #opensource
#wikimania #civictech #Wikidata #opensource
At 08.10 UTC today, @abbe98 and @ainali run the session "Add your country to the Wikidata Govdirectory" on #wikimania
Paulina "allows you to search for people and find out if they have freely accessible works in the public domain."
Powered by #Wikidata.
(I'm not really taking part in #wmhack but am hacking and am at #Wikimania.)
I've got #OpenStreetMap and #Wikidata sort of displaying okay and more importantly caching lots to hopefully not run too many Overpass or WDQS queries.
#wmhack #wikimania #OpenStreetMap #Wikidata
Mass paths, Police and Swedish grill places: here is what happened around #Wikidata over the past week!
I'm giving up on trying to get ready for #Wikimania and declaring it that point in the day where work code is put aside, and hobby code is brought out. Going to see what it takes to make a query of #OpenStreetMap for #Wikidata features, and then query all those features' entity data from Wikidata — feels like the sort of thing that isn't likely to make a smooth map-navigating experience, because of the speed of the queries. #beerOClock
#wikimania #OpenStreetMap #Wikidata #beeroclock
Why does the URL Shortener ( have a limit of 2000 characters?
There are multiple queries that are longer than that...
#Wikidata #QueryService