I watched the brief explainer on #Wikifunctions. As a frequent Mathworld and Wikipedia searcher for formulas or pseudocode, this is definitely something I could see myself using.
I think #Wikifunctions is a pretty crazy idea (because I don't believe all knowledge can be expressed as a function, not even as a relation). But I thought Danny was crazy when he proposed #Wikidata and I have since seen the light, so here is a short video:
in which he presents the basic idea of https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Main_Page
Excellent short video introduction to @wikifunctions https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikifunctions_in_7_minutes.webm
Okay. J'ai passรฉ *beaucoup* trop de temps sur #Wikifunctions aujourd'hui. Donc demain, repos! Je crois. Je vais essayer.
Quite amazing how dismissive these comments at hackernews regarding the launch of Wikifunctions are: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36927695
There seems to be an surprising amount of inherit trust in AI generated information there, without any regard on where the source material should come from.
My first attempt on #Wikifunctions https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/en/Z10096
Je suis beaucoup, BEAUCOUP trop hype par le lancement de #Wikifunctions. Alors que je DOIS dormir.
Foutus ricains qui font des trucs au moment oรน on doit dormir.
And so #WikiFunctions (@wikifunctions) begins... https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Main_Page
#Wikifunctions #wikimedia #wikipedia
New Between the Brackets (a #MediaWiki podcast) dropped, a digest recapping the past few episodes:
https://betweenthebrackets.libsyn.com/episode-134-btb-digest-21 (~22 min)
"Have you missed any recent episodes? Well, here are some clips for you. Hear Eric Gardner defending #Vue.js, Nathan Brewer praising computer scientists of the past, Simon Stier considering the complexities of nested data structures, Ariel Gutman advocating for one language for #WikiFunctions, Waldir Pimenta recounting his adventures in translation, and more!"
#mediawiki #vue #Wikifunctions
Newsletter 100:
State of Wikifunctions
January 2023
#Wikifunctions #AbstractWikipedia
#Wikifunctions #abstractwikipedia
Nice profile/interview with Ori about his past #Wikimedia performance work and his time as a Google.org fellow for #Wikifunctions
"I first heard of Abstract Wikipedia in 2020, when the project was just beginning to take shape, and was captivated by its potential to dramatically increase the amount of knowledge that is available to people in their own language."
I've started trying out #Wikifunctions, a project that hasn't launched yet but is available in beta.
Many years ago I signed up to #Wikiversity the day it went out of beta. I was also promoted to administrator the same day because they needed admins and I had experience. I never did much there, but Wikifunctions looks way, way more promising.