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#willsteffen #tomorrowistoolate #öffisfüralle #peoplenotprofit #climatestrike2023 #globakstrikeforclimate #globakstrike4climate #klimawandelstoppen #nomoreemptypromises #fightforonepointfive #makeparisreal #climatecrisis #actnow #artist4future_muenchen #netzstreikfürsklima #climatestrikeonline #fff #fridaysforfuture #climatechange
#WillSteffen #TomorrowIsTooLate #offisfuralle #PeopleNotProfit #climatestrike2023 #globakstrikeforclimate #globakstrike4climate #klimawandelstoppen #NoMoreEmptyPromises #FightForOnePointFive #MakeParisReal #ClimateCrisis #actnow #artist4future_muenchen #netzstreikfursklima #ClimateStrikeOnline #fff #FridaysForFuture #ClimateChange
Social and Earth System Tipping Points | Prof. #WillSteffen + Dr. Nick Abel
All conventional ways of making governments and the public understand the impending catastrophe of the collapse of the world's climate have failed. Emissions continue to rise, ecosystems continue to be destroyed. #TippingPoints in the #biosphere are being encroached - and yet we know that social tipping points exist and can be triggered as well which can bring about rapid social transformation.
#WillSteffen #tippingpoints #biosphere
This presentation by Professor #WillSteffen was made at an event called ‘THE BIG U TURN AHEAD; Calling #Australia to Action on #ClimateChange’, held in Byron Bay, NSW on 27 June 2018.
#WillSteffen #australia #climatechange
Will Steffen - Die große Wende voraus
Warum ist 2020 ein entscheidendes Jahr in der #Klimakrise? Die #GroßeWendeVoraus gibt Antworten darauf. Ein beeindruckender Filmvortrag von Professor #WillSteffen über die Tragweite und Dringlichkeit des #Klimawandel's.
#klimakrise #GroßeWendeVoraus #WillSteffen #klimawandel
Vale Professor Will Steffen. We have lost a truly great scientist, communicator and all-round wonderful human being. My deepest sympathies to his family. Will touched the lives of many, and his work will, and must, continue. His many written works include, "The Anthropocene: Are Humans Now Overwhelming the Great Forces of Nature?", is profound in the history #ClimateScience and #ClimateAction. #Anthrpocene #WillSteffen
#climatescience #climateaction #anthrpocene #WillSteffen
The answer by Will Steffen: 3/
"The second big part is: knowledge now needs to be co-produced with people who are outside the knowledge production business. That sounds crazy, but [...] you need to co-produce knowledge with people who are involved in using that part of knowledge and developing it further"
Steffen, W., 2013. The Anthropocene: where on Earth are we going? In: The Antrhopocene Project - An Opening. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany.
Will Steffen, ‘courageous’ climate scientist, dies in Canberra aged 75 #WillSteffen
Homage to Will Steffen from Graham Readfearn in the Guardian.
"Steffen remembered as a ‘truly leading thinker’ and someone who influenced scientific agenda and governments worldwide."
A big loss to Australia.
I've just learned that Prof Will Steffen died at the weekend. He was a giant in climate science in Australia. He also a made a huge contribution in communicating climate science to the wider public.
#ClimateCouncil #Climate #WillSteffen
The passing of Will Steffen is a tragedy for his family and for all who knew him - I am so grateful for more than three decades of friendship and I am sure his work has changed the world to the better. #WillSteffen #anthropocene