#NowPlaying John Walters interviews #WilliamSBurroughs for BBC Radio1, originally broadcast in 1982. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNm1FvI5-JM
#nowplaying #WilliamSBurroughs
15 books to get to know me
- #UnderstandingMedia by #MarshallMcluhan
- #ExpandedCinema by #GeneYoungblood
- #TheMythofSisyphus by #AlbertCamus
- #NakedLunch by #WilliamSBurroughs
- #ParableSeries by #OctaviaEButler
- #OntheRoad by #JackKerouac
- #MondoUtah by #TrentHarris
- #YouCan'tWin by #JackBlack (no, not that one)
- #MobyDick by #HermanMelville
- #PeopleoftheAbyss by #JackLondon
- #SpurtofBlood by #AntoninArtaud
- #ShockDoctrine by #NaomiKlein
-anything by #Samuel Beckett
-random #HughNibley article
-anything by #ChrisHedges
#understandingmedia #marshallmcluhan #expandedcinema #geneyoungblood #themythofsisyphus #albertcamus #nakedlunch #WilliamSBurroughs #parableseries #OctaviaEButler #ontheroad #jackkerouac #mondoutah #trentharris #youcan #jackblack #mobydick #HermanMelville #peopleoftheabyss #jacklondon #spurtofblood #antoninartaud #shockdoctrine #naomiklein #samuel #hughnibley #chrishedges
The road to the Western Lands is by definition the most dangerous road in the world.
#WilliamSBurroughs #thewesternlands
🎬 In #DavidCronenberg's "Naked Lunch" (1991), based on #WilliamSBurroughs' novel, Sands plays a suave, queer "libertine" with an #arthropodic secret.
See the movie if you haven't. #PeterWeller #JudyDavis and wonderful others. Production design and cinematography are write-home-about good, too.
#MPAA gave #NakedLunch an "R" rating for "bizarre eroticism."
#trailer #nakedlunch #mpaa #JudyDavis #peterweller #arthropodic #WilliamSBurroughs #davidcronenberg #juliansands #RIP
“Recalling All Active Agents” by #BrionGysin and #WilliamSBurroughs 🕵️♂️🕵️♂️🕵️♂️🕵️♂️🕵️♂️ #CutUpTechnique https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=300p2JMz06Y
#BrionGysin #WilliamSBurroughs #cutuptechnique
Most people will probably find this annoying, but I found it hypnotic and entrancing. “The Cut Ups” (1966) by #AntonyBalch and #WilliamSBurroughs Be patient; the “dialogue” and the imagery “evolve” over the course of the film.
#antonybalch #WilliamSBurroughs
The ugly spirit of Naked Lunch -
#WilliamSBurroughs #NakedLunch #TheBeats #InterZone
#WilliamSBurroughs #nakedlunch #thebeats #interzone
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
William S. Burroughs & Tomandandy:
🎵 Old western movies
#nowplaying #WilliamSBurroughs #tomandandy
#HappySpringtime2023 #JörgFauser, 1944 in #BadSchwalbach geboren, hat lange gebraucht, bis er, der literarisch (Hoch-)Begabte, ins Schreiben kam. Autobiographisch grundiert, verglich man ihn rasch mit den amerikanischen Beatniks wie #AllenGinsberg, #JackKerouac oder #WilliamSBurroughs - und blieb doch #Geheimtip für Eingeweihte. Jetzt erscheinen seine Briefe an die Eltern im Zürcher #Diogenes-Verlag.
#happyspringtime2023 #jorgfauser #badschwalbach #allenginsberg #jackkerouac #WilliamSBurroughs #geheimtip #diogenes #fauser #ginsberg #kerouac #burroughs #beatgeneration
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
William S. Burroughs & Tomandandy:
🎵 Old western movies
#nowplaying #WilliamSBurroughs #tomandandy
@cosmo @Defiance The 4th side of this double album is triple grooved with #JohnGiorno #WilliamSBurroughs and #LaurieAnderson
#laurieanderson #WilliamSBurroughs #JohnGiorno
Abstract artist Mark Rothko, who died OTD in 1970, had his art studio in the building in #NewYorkCity where William S Burroughs lived https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-w-s-burroughs/?s=mb #travel #WilliamSBurroughs #WSB
#newyorkcity #travel #WilliamSBurroughs #wsb
Abstract artist Mark Rothko, who died OTD in 1970, had his art studio in the building in #NewYorkCity where William S Burroughs lived https://toilet-guru.com/blog/26.html?s=mb #travel #WSB #WilliamSBurroughs
#newyorkcity #travel #wsb #WilliamSBurroughs
The Burroughs Trail is named after William S. Burroughs. The well-traveled author lived more years here in Lawrence, Kansas than in any other location in the United States or abroad.
This trail is one of my favorite bike rides.
#lawrencekansas #WilliamSBurroughs #mentalhealthishealth
Literarischer #5Februar
„Schon nach einem Blick auf diesen Planeten würde jeder außerirdische Besucher sagen: Ich will den Manager sehen.“
#WilliamSBurroughs Geburt 1914
An online 'Cut-Up Machine' for creating your own cut-up text, "a la William S. Burroughs and the Dadaists." → http://www.languageisavirus.com/cutupmachine.php#.WjQIi1Q-fUI
#CutUps #Dada #WilliamSBurroughs #WritingInspiration #randomizer
#randomizer #writinginspiration #WilliamSBurroughs #dada #CutUps
Philip Glass, William S. Burroughs, and John Giorno at the Nova Convention, New York, 1978. Photo by Marcia Resnick
#PhilipGlass #WilliamSBurroughs #JohnGiorno
#philipglass #WilliamSBurroughs #johngiorno
Many called David Bowie a magpie, taking things -- aka, stealing -- from different genres and cultures and making them his own. This hilarious anecdote from Glenn Hendler's 33 1/3 history of DIAMOND DOGS describes how Bowie even stole from his friends -- in this case Mick Jagger -- if they weren't vigilant.
Read at Post: https://post.news/article/2Jq7liAbGOhmkl9bgurdYwC9aLH
#DavidBowie #Bowie #music #art #creativity #popculture #MickJagger #TheRollingStones #DiamondDogs #GeorgeOrwell #WilliamSBurroughs
#davidbowie #bowie #music #art #creativity #popculture #mickjagger #therollingstones #diamonddogs #georgeorwell #WilliamSBurroughs