Today's poem:
Climbing Snowdon
- by William Wordsworth
#NightHike #poetry #WilliamWordsworth #landscape #moon #snowdon #mountain #wales #YrWyddfa
#nighthike #poetry #WilliamWordsworth #landscape #moon #snowdon #mountain #wales #YrWyddfa
Having let be be my center of seem
Child of Nature
Rowan Ricardo Phillips
#Poetry #RowanRicardoPhillips #ChildOfNature #WilliamWordsworth #WallaceStevens
#wallacestevens #WilliamWordsworth #childofnature #rowanricardophillips #poetry
Q: How much is the hair of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge worth?
A: £30-40K
(Personally, I 'm fascinated rather than repulsed.)
#literaryheritage #hair #williamwordsworth #samueltaylorcoleridge #wordsworth #coleridge #romantics #poetry
#literaryheritage #hair #WilliamWordsworth #samueltaylorcoleridge #Wordsworth #coleridge #Romantics #poetry
And from my pillow, looking forth by light
Of moon or favouring stars, I could behold
The antechapel where the statue stood
Of Newton with his prism and silent face,
The marble index of a mind for ever
Voyaging through strange seas of Thought, alone.
~ William Wordsworth, The Prelude
#cambridge #trinitycollege #isaacnewton #WilliamWordsworth
Good afternoon!
The poem for Thursday was "Scorn not the Sonnet" by William Wordsworth.
Good afternoon, Fedi!
The poem for today is "Michael: A Pastoral Poem" by William Wordsworth.
It is the last poem in Volume 2 of the Lyrical Ballads.
I have now finished reading the complete Lyrical Ballads!
#todayspoem #poetry #WilliamWordsworth
Good afternoon!
The poem for today is "Remembrance of Collins" by William Wordsworth.
William Collins wrote an ode to his friend and poet James Thomson when he died. Eleven years after writing that ode Collins himself died at the age of 38, disappointed by the reception of his poems and broken in both physical and mental health.
Wordsworth then wrote this poem.
May they all rest in peace.
#todayspoem #poetry #WilliamWordsworth
Good morning!
The poem for today is "The Danish Boy" by William Wordsworth.
Wordsworth's note on it says: "These stanzas were designed to introduce a ballad upon the story of a Danish prince who had fled from battle and, for the sake of the valuables about him, was murdered by the inhabitant of a cottage in which he had taken refuge. The house fell under a curse, and the spirit of the youth, it was believed, haunted the valley where the crime had been committed."
#todayspoem #poetry #WilliamWordsworth
Good morning!
The poem for today is "The Old Cumberland Beggar" by William Wordsworth.
Good morning!
The poem for ereyesterday is "The pet lamb" by William Wordsworth.
The poem for ereyesterday is "Nutting" by William Wordsworth.
Good afternoon!
The poem for yesterday is "The Fountain" by William Wordsworth. It is a nice poem.
Good morning!
The poem for ereyesterday is "Andrew Jones" by William Wordsworth.
I love this poem with its strong rhythm and rhyme.
Good morning!
The poem for yesterday is "Poor Susan" by William Wordsworth.
I like the poem.
The poem for yesterday is "The Idle Shepherd Boys" by William Wordsworth.
Good morning!
The poem for today is 'Lucy Gray' by William Wordsworth.
A much easier one than the poem for yesterday.
I'm a bit late, but I want to pick up my daily poem goal again, so the poem for today is 'The Complaint of a Forsaken Indian Woman' by William Wordsworth.'
The poem for today is "There was a boy" by William Wordsworth.
Good evening everyone!
I might not post a poem every day anymore, for I always chose one while in the bus to school, but now is the long vacation.
Anyway, the poem for today is "The Thorn" by William Wordsworth.
What though the radiance
which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass,
of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind.
William Wordsworth Splendour in the grass
#WilliamWordsworth #poetry #poesie