Erittäin painokkaasti ja koskettavasti puhui #Kuluttajaliitto pääsihteeri a-studiossa tavallisten ihmisten kyvystä suoriutua hintojen korotuksista. #Windfall veron lisäksi/tuotot pitäisi suunnata nimenomaan pienituloisille ja erityisesti sähkön hinnoista kärsiville (suora sähkölämmitys ym). #inflaatio #YleAStudio
#yleastudio #inflaatio #Windfall #kuluttajaliitto
RT @KDpuolue: Sari Essayah ei halua Suomesta tulevan tuulisähkörakentamisen "villiä pohjolaa" #KDpuolue #tuulivoima #tuulisahkotuotanto #windfall @SariEssayah
#KDpuolue #Tuulivoima #tuulisahkotuotanto #Windfall
The #energycrisis brings workers & families to their knees, while big companies fill their pockets.
We need a #windfall profit tax.
Today we asked @europarl_en to support it, but for @EPPGroup @ecrgroup & @IDGroupEP families must pay for the crisis, not greedy multinationals.
RT @Left_EU: The #energycrisis brings workers & families to their knees, while big companies fill their pockets.
We need a #windfall profit tax.
Today we asked @europarl_en to support it, but for @EPPGroup @ecrgroup & @IDGroupEP families must pay for the crisis, not greedy multinationals.
RT @Left_EU: The #energycrisis brings workers & families to their knees, while big companies fill their pockets.
We need a #windfall profit tax.
Today we asked @europarl_en to support it, but for @EPPGroup @ecrgroup & @IDGroupEP families must pay for the crisis, not greedy multinationals.
RT @DaveKeating: Presser: 🇪🇺ministers have just adopted 3 unprecedented measures to shield Europeans from the coming winter pain:
🔌Mandatory 5% reduction on electricity use during peak hours
💶#Windfall tax on energy company profits, given to consumers
🎁33% solidarity contribution from oil/gas
"We cannot be scared to take bold steps to ensure people get through these tough times!
I welcome President @vonderleyen's proposal to skim off #windfall profits from energy companies. Something that we have called for since the beginning of this crisis."
RT @GreensEFA: "We cannot be scared to take bold steps to ensure people get through these tough times!
I welcome President @vonderleyen's proposal to skim off #windfall profits from energy companies. Something that we have called for since the beginning of this crisis."
#EPistunto jatkuu tärkeillä aiheilla. Agendalla mm.:
☑️ Tšekin 🇨🇿 puheenjohtajuuskausi #EU2022CZ
☑️ Huippukokouksen tulokset @EUCouncil
☑️ #Ukraina 🇺🇦 / ruokavienti ja -turva
☑️ #Taksonomia-äänestys
☑️ #Windfall-voittojen verotus
🔴Seuraa suorana:
#EPistunto #EU2022CZ #Ukraina #taksonomia #Windfall
RT @GreensEFA: Our vice-presidents @TerryReintke and @jordisolef present our priorities for the week:
✋ stopping #Taxonomy proposal
💻 Digital Services Act #DSA
💜 Abortion rights in the EU and US
💸 #windfall tax and #taxjustice
#Taxonomy #DSA #Windfall #TaxJustice
RT @GreensEFA: Our vice-presidents @TerryReintke and @jordisolef present our priorities for the week:
✋ stopping #Taxonomy proposal
💻 Digital Services Act #DSA
💜 Abortion rights in the EU and US
💸 #windfall tax and #taxjustice
#Taxonomy #DSA #Windfall #TaxJustice
Our vice-presidents @TerryReintke and @jordisolef present our priorities for the week:
✋ stopping #Taxonomy proposal
💻 Digital Services Act #DSA
💜 Abortion rights in the EU and US
💸 #windfall tax and #taxjustice
#Taxonomy #DSA #Windfall #TaxJustice
RT @IndBusNet: #Windfall #taxes are not a sensible move. All they do is discourage investment and are not a long term
Sustainable solution to the country’s problems. @RishiSunak @KwasiKwarteng via @Independent