The #banking sector in Europe is still reeling after #Italy unexpectedly approved a 40% #WindfallTax, although authorities added in a statement on Tuesday that the new tax could not breach 0.1% of a lender's total assets, chart @ReutersBiz
#Sunak’s failing #WindfallTax enabling #oil giants to avoid paying billions, say Labour and Lib Dems – UK politics live - #ToryPoliciesInAction
#torypoliciesinaction #oil #WindfallTax #Sunak
Never in history have we seen such extreme weather events around the world all together in a single season, and also so many indiference about it, because those in charge are getting paid to keep their mouths shut
#globalwarming #summer #wildfires #europe #climatecatastrophe #ecocide #WindfallTax
#WindfallTax #ecocide #climatecatastrophe #europe #wildfires #summer #GlobalWarming
"New Zealand has been slow to fund certain drugs that Pharmac hasn't been able to fund, we've been slow in being able to take corrective action against climate change because we just haven't got the funds in New Zealand to invest in the things that we care about."
Yes we have got the funds. See #wealthTax #CGT #WindfallTax eg
Fossil fuel companies should not be profiteering off a global crisis – but they are: Canada’s top fossil fuel companies made $12 billion in excess profits, a three-fold increase compared to the same period last year. This is #Fossilflation – and it’s a key driver of the cost-of-living crisis. Supporting Canadians with the soaring costs of living means a #WindfallTax on Big Oil's excessive profits. Thanks!
#Tory plot to drop #windfalltax in midst of cost-of-living crisis is branded obscene
If only there was a way to fix the NHS, fund education, provide welfare state support for those who need it. It’s a shame there’s just no way to do it, still the tax dodger will get his sorting hat on Saturday make ya proud don’t it #brexit #ToryLies #tory #tories #ToriesOut #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #Corruption #ToryCorruption #inflation #bbc #nhs #news #SuellaBraverman #covid #costofliving #rishisunak #SunakOut #EU #Sunak #strike #strikes #uspolitics #localelections #shell #WindfallTax
#brexit #ToryLies #tory #tories #ToriesOut #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #Corruption #ToryCorruption #inflation #bbc #nhs #news #SuellaBraverman #covid #costofliving #rishisunak #SunakOut #EU #Sunak #strike #strikes #uspolitics #localelections #shell #WindfallTax
#Shell accused of ‘#profiteering bonanza’ after record first-quarter profits of $9.6bn - #CostOfLivingCrisis #OilCompanies #ToryPoliciesInAction #WindfallTax
#WindfallTax #torypoliciesinaction #oilcompanies #Costoflivingcrisis #profiteering #shell
How many more times will this headline appear after the quarterly figures are released before this stops? #CostOfVotingToryCrisis #WindfallTax #UKPolitics #HeatOrEat #TaxTheRich #FuckTheTories #EnergyCrisis
#EnergyCrisis #FuckTheTories #taxtherich #HeatorEat #ukpolitics #WindfallTax #costofvotingtorycrisis
Energy giants raking in £60 million a DAY in profit as #Tories ignore #windfalltax demands
#Tories 'let #energy giants off hook' as #windfalltax raises £2.7 BILLION less than target
Once again compassion and positive action from your energy companies, of course all you 84 year olds can get fucked
#brexit #ToryLies #tory #tories #ToriesOut #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #Corruption #ToryCorruption #inflation #bbc #nhs #news #braverman #immigration #SuellaBraverman #covid #costofliving #rishisunak #SunakOut #boats #EU #COVID19 #Sunak #toryracists #strike #strikes #uspolitics #politics #energy #Gas #electricity #bills #energyprice #WindfallTax
#brexit #ToryLies #tory #tories #ToriesOut #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #Corruption #ToryCorruption #inflation #bbc #nhs #news #braverman #immigration #SuellaBraverman #covid #costofliving #rishisunak #SunakOut #boats #EU #COVID19 #Sunak #toryracists #strike #strikes #uspolitics #energy #Gas #electricity #bills #energyprice #WindfallTax
Energy firms call for #windfallTax to fall with prices
Maybe the tax dropping should be delayed in the same way as the imposition of the tax was delayed?
No - I thought not. To those who have, it shall be given; to those who have not it will be taken away even what little they have......
#WindfallTax #ToriesOut #Labour
Trickle down economics…
#FairPayForAll #SupportTheStrikes #EnoughIsEnough #JoinAUnion #TaxTheRich #WindfallTax #ToriesForTheFew #ToryAusterity
#ToryAusterity #toriesforthefew #WindfallTax #taxtherich #joinaunion #enoughisenough #supportthestrikes #fairpayforall
@endfuelpoverty additional element to this is it is very easy way to put #PublicFunds into #energycompanies. There should be a #WindfallTax on the disgusting levels of profit in #fossilfuel sector.
#publicfunds #energycompanies #WindfallTax #fossilfuel
No more news today because I'm going to smash something in a minute. Two stories *LITERALLY SIDE BY FUCKING SIDE*
#UKPolitics #TaxTheRich #FuckTheTories #Greed #EnoughIsEnough #WindfallTax #Poverty #CostOfLivingCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #NoPlanetB #KeepItInTheGround
#keepitintheground #noplanetb #climatecatastrophe #Costoflivingcrisis #poverty #WindfallTax #enoughisenough #greed #FuckTheTories #taxtherich #ukpolitics
Time for a #WindfallTax on banks. Banks are making enormous profits (2 billion for ANZ in 2022) while continuing to make loans for climate-change inducing activities. They shouldn’t be able to hide behind fig-leaf donations while the rest of us are left to pick up the actual tab #nzpol
Ah. History. Much changes but so very much remains the same
#WindfallTax #Banking #energy #fairness #politics #history #UK
#WindfallTax #banking #energy #fairness #politics #history #uk
Hunt says January finance surplus does not mean he can improve public sector pay offers.
"Of course the fall in energy prices means the numbers are different to what they were two months ago, but unfortunately even though the cost of the [energy price guarantee] has gone down, so too have the windfall taxes that we were expecting to collect to pay for them."
He seems to have squared the circle. Does this not seem an odd thing to say?
#unison #RMT #nhs #strike #energy #WindfallTax
Negligence or deliberate? You decide……
Totally back @moneysavingexp and @MartinLewis
#windfalltax #stopthepricerise #energycrisis
Posted @withregram • @martinlewismse 10 days ago I sent Chancellor Jeremy Hunt a letter (shown) asking him to postpone the govt's 20% increase in energy bills on 1 April.
Since, SEVENTY major charities (shown), & the energy industry trade body have signed up to support the letter.
#WindfallTax #stopthepricerise #energycrisis