I've been a huge #Nokia fan for many years. I still use the Nokia E72 and love the experience. And in 2010 I heard about the #MeeGo project. And I also know the whole further history of Nokia. I was a Nokia #Lumia920 user with #WindowsPhone 8.1. But a couple of years ago, I heard about #SailfishOS. And this project is very interesting for me, but all my devices are not supported. And maybe later, but I'm interested in creating of a mobile application for #Fediverse services on their platform.
#Fediverse #sailfishos #WindowsPhone #lumia920 #meego #Nokia
I don't think I got that bad, but I still miss #Windowsphone #metro
Fortunately, there already exists an example of having most #notifications in a separate panel to the main part of the lockscreen, and that is #WindowsPhone. As someone who is working on something meant to at least partially revive the experience of using Windows Phone but on (mainly so far) #Linux #phones, I think #OpenSource #mobile environments (thus far, basically just #LinuxMobile ones) would learn a lot from Windows Phone with regards to making #autism-friendly interfaces.
#autism #linuxmobile #mobile #opensource #phones #linux #WindowsPhone #notifications
After having used #Symbian and #Harmattan and #WindowsPhone OSes as daily drivers, I was pretty much forced to choose #Android or #iOS at this point, but I did get a #Jolla smartphone to keep one foot in the non-mainstream OS space. Jolla's #SailfishOS was a direct descendent of #Maemo / #Nokia #MeeGo and #Harmattan. It had some fairly limited Android application support, but modern life and things like #BankID, online banking, etc, simply wouldn't run. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolla_(smartphone)
#bankid #meego #nokia #maemo #sailfishos #jolla #iOS #android #WindowsPhone #harmattan #symbian
Anyone who used and enjoyed #WindowsPhone will probably also tell you that they find themselves in the tiny group of people who liked #Windows8 . Everything about W8 made sense as a step in a convergence of the mobile and desktop experiences. When they took away all the tiles from W8, I felt like they killed all the possibilities. Anyway, then came #WindowsPhone10 which killed all the joy in the WP experience. Super sluggish and lacking polish. So WP8 was the high water mark for that mobile OS.
#windowsphone10 #windows8 #WindowsPhone
The Nokia N9's Harmattan platform was discontinued immediately after the N9 was released and when it was time for a new phone, I decided to go for a Nokia Lumia running #WindowsPhone. I had bought my son a Lumia 710 with #WindowsPhone7 and I was impressed. I owned both an 800- and a 900-series Nokia Lumia with #WindowsPhone8 before they discontinued the concept. It was a really nice OS experience, but it lacked a solid software ecosystem.
#windowsphone8 #windowsphone7 #WindowsPhone
Last I knew, #XenobladeX still had its servers online, which means that its support lasted longer than #WindowsPhone as of August 7, 2022 (give or take a day or two), if my math is correct. I used the latest dates to find the worst-case scenario and went from November 8, 2010 (WP's US release date), until July 11, 2017 (WP8.1's end of support date), to get 2,437 days, and went from December 5, 2015 (X's Australian release date), until today to get 2,556 days and subtracted the difference.
Fun fact: #WindowsPhone outlived the #WiiU if you consider late 2016 to be the end of its life, which is when the last Wii U's were made last I knew (#Windows10Mobile doesn't count).
#windows10mobile #wiiu #WindowsPhone
If I had a choice, I'd be using #WindowsPhone right now as it's the only OS that I've ever fallen in love with, but I'm stuck on a different platform (#iOS) and I despise #Android. You know what, I think the reason why I didn't jump on #Mastodon back in 2017 was because there was no client that I was aware of on the Windows Phone Store, but there was the #Twitter app.
#twitter #mastodon #Android #ios #WindowsPhone
N and M except it's #Windows10Mobile and myself, give or take a few things for it to make sense.
"Back to the name '#WindowsPhone'."
#WindowsPhone #windows10mobile
Woah, #WindowsPhone is trending on #Twitter! That doesn't happen too often.
One major feature I miss from Nokia Drive+/HERE Drive+ on #WindowsPhone is it would tell you if your destination was on the left or the right when you reached it. The #iOS and #Android versions don't do this and it's annoying.
I wish there were new versions of the #Lumia1520 but running updated versions of #WindowsPhone 8.x.
Diganme lo que quieran, pero #WindowsPhone era muy bueno, tuve un #lumia que era muy cómodo y eso que no era gama alta https://www.xataka.com/moviles/telefonos-nokia-que-microsoft-no-dejo-que-salieran-laboratorio-1