RT @Windows
Yes, it's really real. The Clippy #WindowsUglySweater is here.
Get yours now and help support @College_Success as they assist underserved, low-income students achieve their dream of a college education. https://msft.it/6019dv6qf
RT @microsoftfrance
Que serait Noël sans ses célèbres pulls moches ? 🎅
Cette année, Clippy is back et nous tiendra chaud tout l'hiver !
Serez-vous assez rapide pour shopper le vôtre ? http://msft.it/6018dvJZ2
Whatchu know about Minesweeper? #UglyChristmasSweater #WindowsUglySweater
#UglyChristmasSweater #WindowsUglySweater
Ich will mir einen #WindowsUglySweater holen, aber ich kann mich nicht zwischen XP und 95 entscheiden, Welchen würdet ihr nehmen?
Want. So I can add lights to each of the panes. Maybe make them all blue for random crashes.
RT @zacbowden
OMG!! Microsoft sent me a Windows XP style #WindowsUglySweater for the holidays! It's soooooooo good, and it came in this super cool XP product box too :D Thanks @Microsoft @Windows!