Max Headroom :trekbadgetng: · @mikemathia
1279 followers · 9010 posts · Server


Last updated 1 year ago

Bo Jacobs · @bojacobs
994 followers · 1305 posts · Server

"Divers in Sellafield nuclear pool for first time in 65 years"

"The nuclear power plant in Cumbria went out of use in the 1960s, and the pool was built in the 1940s for use by Windscale Piles, the site's first nuclear reactors, for the cooling, storage and de-canning of spent fuel as part of the UK's post-war atomic weapons programme. According to records, it was last entered back in 1958 to repair a broken winch, and now divers are back in the water with the rather unpleasant task of clearing sludge."


#nuclear #NuclearWaste #Sellafield #Windscale #coldwar #divers

Last updated 2 years ago

Marverde · @Marverde
161 followers · 983 posts · Server

Appalled by comments to this excellent article by George Monbiot, still defending as a solution. As if nobody had learned anything from the calamitous decisions of the past that are still ruining our present:

1. the uncontrollable 'accidents' -- , , ,

2. the everlasting

3. the immense cost of and 'cleanup'

4. and the INSOLUBLE problem of .

#NuclearEnergy #longisland #Windscale #chernobyl #fukushima #radiation #decommissioning #nuclearwaste

Last updated 2 years ago

Marverde · @Marverde
158 followers · 957 posts · Server

inescapably generates large quantities of human-made waste, the worst of which will remain hazardous probably beyond Homo sapiens’ time on the planet.

Nuclear radiation less dangerous than emissions from a wood-burning stove?? Wood-burning stoves are pollutants, no question, but they could NEVER lead to a , , or . Nor will decommissioning them cost and take .

#NuclearPower #hazardous #Windscale #threemileisland #chernobyl #fukushima #billions #decades

Last updated 2 years ago

OhWeh · @OhWeh
260 followers · 3276 posts · Server

@Openhuman The estimated toll of cases has been revised upwards continuously, from 33 to 200 to 240. took its present name only in 1981, in part to erase the old name, , and the associated memories of the fire.

#cancer #sellafield #Windscale

Last updated 2 years ago

OhWeh · @OhWeh
236 followers · 3082 posts · Server

⚛️ ist billig, sicher und umweltfreundlich.🤡 Das sieht man auch in bzw. Sellafield

"In wird nichts mehr produziert. Aber das, was zurückbleibt, in einen sicheren Zustand zu bringen, ist eine schier unvorstellbar teure und komplexe Aufgabe, bei der man nicht in menschlichen, sondern in planetarischen Zeitskalen denken muss"

#Kernkraft #Windscale #sellafield

Last updated 2 years ago

rob🎄 · @stokes
270 followers · 838 posts · Server

Dismantling Sellafield: the epic task of shutting down a nuclear site (long read, 30 mins)

Excellent piece from The Guardian on making safe what is left behind when a nuclear site is shut down (one I live 45 miles from) – an almost unimaginably expensive and complex task that requires us to think not on a human timescale, but a planetary one.

#planning #Government #waste #radioactive #radiation #Windscale #sellafield #industry #Environment #Energy #nuclear #Science

Last updated 2 years ago

rob🎄 · @stokes
299 followers · 1009 posts · Server

Dismantling Sellafield: the epic task of shutting down a nuclear site (long read, 30 mins)

Excellent piece from The Guardian on making safe what is left behind when a nuclear site is shut down (one I live 45 miles from) – an almost unimaginably expensive and complex task that requires us to think not on a human timescale, but a planetary one.

#planning #Government #waste #radioactive #radiation #Windscale #sellafield #industry #Environment #Energy #nuclear #Science

Last updated 2 years ago

Bo Jacobs · @bojacobs
677 followers · 265 posts · Server

Spent nuclear fuel is the most substantive product of human civilization. It will be in our descendants' world long after our cities, languages and gods are forgotten.

"Dismantling Sellafield: the epic task of shutting down a nuclear site"

"Nothing is produced at anymore. But making safe what is left behind is an almost unimaginably expensive and complex task that requires us to think not on a human timescale, but a planetary one"

@nuclearhumanities @sts

Guardian Long Read:

#Sellafield #Windscale #nuclear #coldwar #envhist #UK #cumbria

Last updated 2 years ago

Bo Jacobs · @bojacobs
510 followers · 108 posts · Server

The radioactive fallout from the 1957 fire at the Windscale site, since renamed Sellafied, was far worse than originally claimed. The site operated two nuclear reactors to manufacture plutonium for UK nuclear weapons.

The Irish Centre for High-end Computing calculated the fallout distribution using wind and rain data from the time, and found that the fire, which burned inside a nuclear reactor for 3 days, spread radiation across the British Isles, and Northern Europe.

Below is their computer recreation of the spread of radiation from the Windscale Fire.

"Revisiting the 1957 Windscale Nuclear Accident using Atmospheric Reanalysis data"


#nuclear #histodons #Windscale #Sellafield #sts

Last updated 2 years ago

Olivier Duquesne aka DaffyDuke · @daffyduke
501 followers · 37905 posts · Server

RT @Mangeon4
Saviez-vous que le Royaume-Uni fut le théâtre de l’un des premiers accident de l’histoire ? En 1957, l’uranium du réacteur 1 de prend feu, entrainant des rejets radioactifs au-dessus de l’Angleterre.

Thread 4 : 1957, l’accident de Windscale

#Windscale #nucléaire

Last updated 2 years ago

Cécile Lecomte 👩‍🦽 · @HoernchenCecile
823 followers · 12074 posts · Server


10. Oktober 1957, Windscale:
gehen in Flammen auf.
Massive Freisetzung von Radioaktivität.
Lange versuchte die Regierung
den zu vertuschen.
Heute, 65Jahre später,
versteckt sich
hinter dem Namen .

#brennelemente #Atomunfall #Windscale #sellafield #atoms4war

Last updated 2 years ago