After reading "The Jain's Death", a comic suggested earlier today by @RussSharek, I wanted to paint two scenes from it.
Page 26, depicting a tiger hidden among jungle foliage at night, and page 45-g, showing some kind of a geothermal energy explosion or eruption, stood out the most to me. They also both had a limited hue palette, and were quite contrasting, which suited me well as I have been wanting to try a couple of fairly #monochromatic paintings in preparation for #huevember, after seeing @dona's huevember creation.
So, I hope you will enjoy my #painting The Jain's Death and Rebirth in Water Colours.
Materials in unlisted follow-up post.
#waterColours #waterColors #WaterColourPainting #waterColorStudy #FiXatoPaints #FiXatoCreative
#WindsorAndNewton #WindsorAndNewtonFoundation #PaintingSupplies #ArtSupplies #WaterColourPad #waterColour #waterColours #mastoArt #Panduro #SøstreneGrene #GreneArt #WaterColourSetBasic #A5 #art #tiger #fire #plasma #DailyPhoto
#monochromatic #huevember #painting #watercolours #watercolors #watercolourpainting #watercolorstudy #FiXatoPaints #FiXatoCreative #WindsorAndNewton #WindsorAndNewtonFoundation #PaintingSupplies #artsupplies #WaterColourPad #watercolour #mastoart #Panduro #SøstreneGrene #GreneArt #WaterColourSetBasic #a5 #art #tiger #fire #plasma #dailyphoto