Another successful Winlink Wednesday check-in with no Winlink on this end.
Checked in #WinlinkWednesday on 40m, using #VARA. Thank you LZ3CB for keeping up the gateway.
Just in time for #WinlinkWednesday and #APRSThursday. Here's how you can use an inexpensive Baofeng, or just about any HT, to do #Winlink, #APRS, and even send a text message using the new @Mobilinkd TNC4 with the RadioMail and apps.
#aprs #winlink #APRSThursday #WinlinkWednesday
Update on my #Winlink activity: I got #Ardop working. My issue was finding a node that I could connect to, not anything missing in the Ardop protocol. #openProtocols #hamRadio #WinlinkWednesday
#WinlinkWednesday #hamradio #openprotocols #ARDOP #winlink
Sometimes you just gotta #WinlinkWednesday. #hamradio
My winlink/APRS kit is coming together. All I need a a battery that can charger via usb. #winlink #WinlinkWednesday #aprs #signalstick #Digirig #baofeng
#baofeng #Digirig #signalstick #aprs #WinlinkWednesday #winlink
We need you on the air participating in the network to help keep the links working to Ukraine.
It makes a difference even if all you do is beacon periodically.
#winlink #WinlinkWednesday #packetradio #hamradio #hamr
If there's one thing that is by and large a waste of bandwidth, it's the #WinlinkWednesday reminder email.
And it's not the message itself, but rather that it's sent with everyone's address included. I think BCC is good enough here.
I’ve been ad-hoc streaming from my mobile packet operations center on occasion to show what it looks like sitting having a • coffee • while operating the matrix • - no voice, just the digital musical chorus of our ham band network communications constellations crossing all of Europe.
Bonus node traffic graphs published, and if your browser isn’t too picky, live audio streams from my transceivers too.
#WinlinkWednesday #packetradio #FediHams
#WinlinkWednesday #Winlink gateway operator? If you’re on 14.102 then thats literally on top of the QRG for Net105 Est.1986 as well as interfering with an actual established multimode slot so QRMing two services in one go. Not great.
Please knock it up a notch to 14.1023 where it’ll fit perfectly in harmony with a strong network of 500hz WL2K Gateways as well.
Visual aids provided for clarity.
C’mon folks, harmonise.
#varaHF #qrg #qrm #packetradio #winlink #WinlinkWednesday
I’m looking forward to eventually be set up to do #WinlinkWednesday. Not there yet equipment-wise, but there in spirit. #KE0FFT
Now that I got #winlink working, what's the next step? There's lots of #WinlinkWednesday going on, where great operations is happening.
I know a lot of the folks at #ARSF, have seen nothing but #inclusion there, and they have a commitment to #OpenSource.
Is there a technical thing that needs to be done?
#opensource #inclusion #arsf #WinlinkWednesday #winlink
Wow, #WinLinkWednesday yesterday, #APRSthursday today, when will all the mad dash craziness end?
#APRSThursday #WinlinkWednesday
Also a reminder that it's #WinlinkWednesday. If you want practice but don't want to check into the official net, feel free to email me and I'll respond.
#WinlinkWednesday will be joining in with a new packet setup. Use the hashtag and I’ll send you a msg.
@VE6RAW Happy to receive and reply!
I've been making it work with Vara for the last 5 weeks. For more pain, I may go back to troubleshooting my Ardop setup. #WinlinkWednesday #winlink
Give me more #hamRadio things to do that are super chill. #WinlinkWednesday is one. #wintwrHeat seems like it would be, if anyone around here did it.
Contests without contesters, whaddaya got?
#wintwrheat #WinlinkWednesday #hamradio
#packetbbs client: successful after a detour through #ax25 land. Responded to a message someone sent me months ago :alex_grin:
#winlink: also successful, though if #WinlinkWednesday is a thing, maybe I should have worked on it yesterday :alex_crazy: The hard part was finding a node near me that was listening for 1200 baud packet on 2 meters…and then finding one that actually bothered to respond to me!
I’m getting better at #systemd, which gives me cause for concern. :alex_grimace:
#systemd #WinlinkWednesday #winlink #ax25 #packetbbs
#WinlinkWednesday tomorrow, so in addition to the official net checkin protocol at, let me know here and I will send you an email. Or send me one and I will reply!