Just planted Brussels sprouts, idly thinking "gosh when do these mature, I wonder?" Looked at the tag. "Matures in 180-260 days" Ohhhhh kaaaaay. #WinterGarden #Gardening
Soaked a variety of hot chili seeds in the water today. Will be planting them tomorrow. Our gardening season is almost here—time to start seeds every week. Babies will stay in the shade on the patio because it’s too hot to be out in the direct sun yet. Too wet too.
#SouthFlorida #Zone10B #SeedStarting #GrowFromSeed #GrowYourOwn #FallGarden #WinterGarden
#southflorida #zone10b #seedstarting #growfromseed #growyourown #fallgarden #WinterGarden
This #pulmonaria doesn't mind the bitterest cold, even with the snow that came this evening.
#floweraday #winterGarden #WinterGardening #lungwort #myGarden #gardening @plants
#Gardening #mygarden #lungwort #wintergardening #WinterGarden #floweraday #pulmonaria
Crocus Ard Schenk with #chionodoxa, aka glory of the snow. I love how fresh and hopeful this pairing is.
#floweraday #winterGarden #WinterGardening #iris #crocus #myGarden #gardening @plants
#Gardening #mygarden #crocus #iris #wintergardening #WinterGarden #floweraday #chionodoxa
Dwarf iris reticulata Harmony with red cornus, plus various white hellebores I've grown from seed. This patch is right outside the back door, so I'm trying to up the winter interest.
#floweraday #winterGarden #WinterGardening #iris #hellebores #myGarden #gardening @plants
#Gardening #mygarden #hellebores #iris #wintergardening #WinterGarden #floweraday
Found heaven, and these #snowdrops, in a holiday let in #Norfolk.
#floweraday #Gardening #MyGarden #winter #winterGarden #flowershot #galanthusNivalis
@plants #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
#FlowersOfMastodon #Flowers #galanthusnivalis #flowershot #WinterGarden #Winter #mygarden #Gardening #norfolk #floweraday #snowdrops
Winter #honeysuckle in Bressingham Gardens, #loniceraPurpusii Winter Beauty: smells like paradise
#floweraday #Gardening #MyGarden #winter #winterGarden #flowershot #helleborus
@plants #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
#FlowersOfMastodon #Flowers #Helleborus #flowershot #WinterGarden #Winter #mygarden #Gardening #floweraday #lonicerapurpusii #Honeysuckle
We have a few different cultivars of the humble winter aconite that very observant folk have discovered in their gardens and other places over the years.
This is one of my favourites which was originally found by Erich Pohle who called it Grünspecht or Green Woodpecker in English.
The outer petals are streaked with a vibrant green whilst all the inner petals are pure gold.
Gardening and observation go hand in hand.
#WinterGarden #eranthis #GardeningMastodon
Another of the glorious #hellebores in bloom right now: this one's almost pure white.
#floweraday #Gardening #MyGarden #hellebore #winter #winterGarden #flowershot #helleborus
@plants #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
#FlowersOfMastodon #Flowers #Helleborus #flowershot #WinterGarden #Winter #hellebore #mygarden #Gardening #floweraday #hellebores
A walk in the February sunshine #InMyGardenToday reveals this really pretty low growing flower which has come through the wind and frost. It’s a variety of
#pulmonaria aka #lungwort
#WinterGarden #GayGardener GayGarden
#inmygardentoday #pulmonaria #lungwort #WinterGarden #gaygardener
Wintersweet, chimonanthus praecox, now 11 years old and producing a flurry of hyacinth-scented raggedy blooms every January-February. I love it.
#floweraday #Gardening #MyGarden #Wintersweet #chimonanthusPraecox #winter #winterGarden #flowershot @plants #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
#FlowersOfMastodon #Flowers #flowershot #WinterGarden #Winter #chimonanthuspraecox #wintersweet #mygarden #Gardening #floweraday
It's my newest #hellebore, a seedling that's flowering for the first time. It's clashing with the cornus behind, but I don't mind.
#Gardening #MyGarden #hellebores #winter #cornus #winterGarden #flowershot @plants #FlowersOfMastodon
#FlowersOfMastodon #flowershot #WinterGarden #cornus #Winter #hellebores #mygarden #Gardening #hellebore
The winter flowering cherry really flowers: prunus subhirtella autumnalis. We've had intermittent blossoms since November.
#plants #gardening #MyGarden #WinterGarden #FlowersOfMastodon @plants #WinterFloweringCherry #PrunusSubhirtellaAutumnalis #CherryBlossom #桜の花
#桜の花 #cherryblossom #prunussubhirtellaautumnalis #winterfloweringcherry #FlowersOfMastodon #WinterGarden #mygarden #Gardening #Plants
Lovely pink #hellebore that's always the first to open in our garden.
#Helleborus #hellebores #plants #gardening #MyGarden #WinterGarden #FlowersOfMastodon @plants
#FlowersOfMastodon #WinterGarden #mygarden #Gardening #Plants #hellebores #Helleborus #hellebore
#wintergarden #hellebore #macro #macrophotography #gaygarden #gaygardening #magenta #gaygardener
Hooray for hellebores! I thought none #inmygarden would survive this winter’s freeze… but they proved me wrong. Magenta and creamy green ones have made now their appearance, so it’s wrong to call them ‘christmas roses’, as some do.
#WinterGarden #hellebore #macro #macrophotography #gaygarden #gaygardening #magenta #gaygardener #inmygarden
I love the golden positivity of winter Jasmine. @plants
#yellowflowers #jasmine #WinterGarden #Gardening #mygarden
It may be cold but this iris is tough and will survive. I love the resilience of winter flowers.
#iris unguicularis #WinterGarden #winter #JanuaryJoy #flowers #gardening #garden #cotswolds #gloucestershire #frost #FrostyMorning
#frostymorning #frost #gloucestershire #cotswolds #garden #gardening #flowers #januaryjoy #winter #WinterGarden #iris
Snowy. The tassel bush is garrya elliptica, now having its moment in the sun.
#floweraday #garryaelliptica #WinterGarden #mygarden #Gardening
Going with my friend on her trip to the garden centre let me indulge the plant- buying urge without paying for it all myself. She got #hellebores, #skimmia, #clematis Winter Beauty, #rosemary, #pinusMugo, #vinca, #ferns and mulch. Wow.
#WinterGarden #Gardening #garden #ferns #vinca #pinusmugo #rosemary #clematis #skimmia #hellebores
Starting to try out the idea of winter sowing in containers which you turn into mini-greenhouses.
There's the milk jug version: https://thereidhomestead.com/seed-starting-101-winter-sowing/
and the foil pan version: https://www.nurturenativenature.com/post/native-plant-seeds-are-ideal-for-winter-sowing
Never tried this before so not sure how well it will work, but we'll see! #garden #gardening #gardeningmastodon #WinterGarden
#WinterGarden #gardeningmastodon #gardening #garden