Allen Clarke's song for the 1896 Winter Hill mass trespassers, all 10,000+ of them, which was printed on thousands of song sheets just like other popular broadside ballads. (Bolton Socialist Club sang this for the centenary. Does anyone still sing it? Is there a recording available?)
Will yo’ come o’ Sunday mornin’
For a walk o’er Winter Hill?
Ten thousand went last Sunday
But there’s room for thousand still!
Oh there moors are rare and bonny
And the heather’s sweet and fine
And the roads across the hilltops –
Are the people’s – yours and mine!
Which was later echoed in veteran Kinder trespasser Ewan MacColl's 1932 song The Manchester Rambler, a song so iconic that it has it's own wikipedia page.
I may be a wage slave on Monday
But I am a free man on Sunday.
#WorkingClassHistory #RightToRoam #trespass #rambling #hiking #UK #Lancashire #Bolton #WinterHill #folk #folksong #FolkMusic #song #lyrics #poetry #BroadsideBallads #StreetLiterature #Sunday
#workingclasshistory #RightToRoam #trespass #rambling #hiking #uk #lancashire #bolton #WinterHill #folk #folksong #folkmusic #song #lyrics #poetry #broadsideballads #streetliterature #sunday
Snow everywhere 😀 Could do with some crampons and another pole, but in the meantime I'll survive
Today was all about sun coming through the clouds and clouds rolling across the Moors. They never made it to my side of the hills. Sometimes they were 20 metres away, but didn't come over the crest. Nice day on #WinterHill