And whilst Wirecard folding as the grift it has been from the start may be inconvenient for merchants using them, this didn't result in the same #shitshow that #SiliconValleyBank caused:
People still got their paychecks and businesses could still pay suppliers and get paid.
They might've to switch to competitors like Adyen but in the end, that isn't a hard move...
Integrating #Wirecard messy code was always a clunky shitshow compared to #PayPal which has a clean API...
#PayPal #Wirecard #siliconvalleybank #shitshow
@maxi If it wasn't a legal nightmare and a multi-million € effort I would've already started a bank if not seen a former employer of mine become a bank.
Alas, @BaFin has become even.stricter since #Wirecard and that's for sadly good reasons:
#Banks in #Europe are strictly regulated and forced into harsh oversight BECAUSE THEY FAILED HARD IN THE PAST!
A mini #Wirecard-like fraud in UK, but this was a music streaming service which had no customers. The auditing firm ( Crowe ) failed to check that third party sellers of the streaming services actually existed .- https://on.ft.com/447a26v via @FT
#Wirecard: Verteidiger fordert Freilassung Brauns https://orf.at/stories/3326248/ #Wirtschaft
@ph00lt0 @GrapheneOS Considering the #DumpsterFire that is #WireCard, @BaFin did up their regulatory due diligence...
Or as #PatrickBoyle put it into words:
'European [not just #EU] banking regulations are strict because #Banks failed very often.and very had in the last 100 years in Europe'
#Banks #EU #PatrickBoyle #Wirecard #dumpsterfire
#Wirecard: Braun lieferte Marsalek Vorwand für Flucht https://orf.at/stories/3324614/ #Wirtschaft
#Wirecard-Prozess: Umgang mit Marsalek-Brief noch offen https://orf.at/stories/3324580/ #Wirtschaft
#Wirecard: Marsalek-Brief sorgt im Prozess für Streit https://orf.at/stories/3324448/ #Wirtschaft
#Wirecard: Marsalek meldet sich via Anwalt bei Justiz https://orf.at/stories/3324439/ #Wirtschaft
Im #Wirecard-Skandal hat sich der seit drei Jahren untergetauchte Hauptverdächtige, der aus #Österreich stammende Jan Marsalek, über seinen Verteidiger bei der Münchner Justiz gemeldet. Beim Landgericht #München I sei ein Brief des Anwalts eingegangen, sagte ein Sprecher des Gerichts am Dienstag laut dpa. Zu Inhalt und Einzelheiten des Briefes äußerte sich der Gerichtssprecher nicht. https://orf.at/stories/3324371/
#munchen #osterreich #Wirecard
#Wirecard: Marsalek meldet sich über Anwalt bei Justiz https://orf.at/stories/3324370/ #Wirtschaft
Ex-#Wirecard-Chef zieht vor deutsches Verfassungsgericht https://orf.at/stories/3323574/ #Wirtschaft
#Wirecard-Insolvenzverwalter: Fälschungen erwiesen https://orf.at/stories/3321728/ #Wirtschaft
#Wirecard: In #Österreich verjähren Ansprüche am 18. Juni https://orf.at/stories/3319974/ #Wirtschaft
#wirtschaft #osterreich #Wirecard
@FawnOverFun And with the collapse of #WireCard as a #scam and #N26 being not very stable, there are a few debit CC issuers that basically rebrand #SolarisBank's products...
So yeah, AFAIK there isn't anything beyond #Monero #LightWallets like #Monerujo and non-KYC Exchanges like #LocalMonero to get fiat liquidity, which is obviously not even as remotely intuitive nor easy to use...
#LocalMonero #monerujo #lightwallets #monero #solarisbank #n26 #Scam #Wirecard
#Germany ’s audit watchdog #APAS handed Ernst&Young #EY, the 2016-2020 auditor of #Wirecard a €500,000 fine and banned it from taking on new audits for companies of public interest for 2y, chart @FT https://cutt.ly/N7wXRXp
Heftig: EY darf 2 Jahre lang in 🇩🇪 keine Aufträge bei Unternehmen mit öffentlichem Interesse annehmen.
Das und 500k€ sind die Sanktionen nach #wirecard
@anneapplebaum Meh. Pretty sure it's because #OlafScholz was more deeply involved in the #Wirecard corruption scandal than anybody knows and Jan Marsalek, one of the main Wirecard managers, fled to #Russia, and now the Russians are blackmailing Scholz with the dirt they have on him via Marsalek.
In 2019 #Wirecard Auditors #EY were shown a forged contract which triggered a €12mn writedown.
But there were no consequencies for the #audit report!
Wirecard just produced more false documents to reduce the income hole down to €2mn which was considered immaterial.
RT @FabioDeMasi@twitter.com
Vor dem #Wirecard Skandal scharrten sich übrigens Politiker um Markus Braun und den Wirecard Konzern. Sponsoring und Auftritte beim CDU @Wirtschaftsrat@twitter.com Treffen mit @_FriedrichMerz@twitter.com sowie Spendendinner von @c_lindner@twitter.com ! Schwarz-Grüne Lobby bei Liberalisierung des Online Glücksspiels
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FabioDeMasi/status/1600763172230955008