Why No One Trusts The News - Wisecrack
From the description:
"Is there any industry as troubled these days as journalism? In the face of sinking profits and mass layoffs, it’s easy to feel like American media is damaged beyond repair, and to blame the internet for destroying it. But what if journalism’s demise is way more complicated? We’ll explain in this video: Who Killed Journalism? "
#Wisecrack #journalism #news #internet
Existentialism: Are We Missing The Point? - Wisecrack
From the description:
"Existentialism is well known as a philosophy of freedom. But does it lean so hard into freedom that it misses out on larger social and political issues?"
#Wisecrack #existentialism #philosophy #freedom
Everything Sucks Now - Wisecrack
Remember when social media was great? Me neither.
Somehow, even with such a low bar for comparison, social media only gets worse. Wisecrack explains the incentives behind why, when it comes to social media, everything sucks now.
#Wisecrack #socialmedia #enshitification #everythingsucks
Woke: Deep or Dumb? - Wisecrack
The word "Woke" has taken over the media as the latest right wing bogeyman. Where did the term come from and what does it really mean? Is there any valid criticism of wokeism or are the anti-woke really just racist?
Are Americans Bad At Philosophy? - Wisecrack
Pragmatism is a philosphy that originated in America.
From the description:
"Pragmatism is a word that gets thrown around a lot both in and outside of philosophy circles. But are we using the word correctly when we call our level-headed choices pragmatic? Is pragmatism incompatible with more “heady” schools of philosophy? Let’s find out in this Wisecrack Edition: WTF Is Pragmatism, Anyway?"
#Wisecrack #philosophy #america
From the description:
"...when children are used as political talking points, are we actually making them any safer? Or does it reduce them to symbols, rather than actual human beings? Let’s find out in this Wisecrack Edition: How Kids Become Political Tools."
#children #Wisecrack #politics
If you've ever argued with anyone acting like a jerk on the internet, that argument probably devolved into an argument over free speech. But, what is free speech really, and how does it apply to the internet and public discourse in general.
Wisecrack explains.
#FreeSpeach #Wisecrack #Politics #Internet #Twitter #Facebook #Youtube
#freespeach #Wisecrack #politics #internet #twitter #facebook #youtube
Optimism has it's place, but if taken too far or too often, it can cause problems... even leading to death.
Does that mean we should all be pessimistic instead?
#optimism #Wisecrack #mentalhealth #philosophy
Neither is left wing comedy. We, generally, don't watch it because it is funny.
#comedy #Wisecrack #right #left #politics
From the description:
"The news of the FTX collapse has created a new finance villain in Sam Bankman-Fried. But before Bankman-Fried was scamming people out of billions, he was singing the praises of Effective Altruism, a brand of philosophical ethics. So what is Effective Altruism, and did it contribute to FTX’s spectacular downfall?"
#ftx #SBF #Wisecrack #philosophy #EffectiveAltruism #ethics
From the description:
"We live in an era of increased skepticism towards capitalism. But is participating in capitalism inherently antithetical to living an ethical life? Or is it possible to act ethically within a capitalist system? Let’s find out in this Wisecrack Edition: Can We Be Ethical Under Capitalism?"
#Capitalism #Ethics #Wisecrack #Philosophy #EatTheRich #DystopiaBeat
#capitalism #ethics #Wisecrack #philosophy #eattherich #DystopiaBeat
Psychedelics are becoming popular again with possible therapeutic uses. Are psychedelics as dangerous as heroin and cocaine? Why were they made illegal anyways.
In this video from Wisecrack, all of these questions are answered.
#Psychedelics #LSD #History #Philosophy #Politics #Wisecrack
#psychedelics #lsd #history #philosophy #politics #Wisecrack
Wisecrack discusses why Ye started a school and the long history of "influencers" starting schools to spread their personal philosophy. It goes all the way back to the Greeks.
Ye has a personal philosophy? Yes he does and that is also covered in the video.
#ye #school #philosophy #Wisecrack #education #history
Does online activism work?
In this video, Wisecrack takes on the question of "Does online activism work?" Online activism does lead to better awareness of issues, but doesn't always lead to action.
#Wisecrack #OnlineActivism #activism #action #DystopiaBeat