The Eleventh of December: Caspar
"Everywhere at all times people have stretched their arms up to God [...] The church rowers point up to heaven too, but they last much longer."
#Advent #AdventCalendar #TheChristmasMystery #Illustration #Knight #Horse #WiseMan #ThreeKings #Magi
#advent #adventcalendar #TheChristmasMystery #illustration #knight #horse #Wiseman #threekings #magi
The Sixth of December: Caspar
"You should know that I've been standing here waiting for you so long that between 1701 and 1699 I had to play hopscotch."
#Advent #AdventCalendar #TheChristmasMystery #Illustration #Magi #WiseMan #ThreeKings #WiseMen #King
#advent #adventcalendar #TheChristmasMystery #illustration #magi #Wiseman #threekings #wisemen #king