khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
947 followers · 1161 posts · Server

Witch Tip: The law "as above, so below" applies to everything. Since springtime is quickly approaching for the Northern Hemisphere, the land will soon be fertile and ready for planting season. Spring is also a time of general abundance, opportunity, and rebirth. Just as some folks are starting to plan and prepare for planting season, now is an excellent time to start planning which intentions you'll set and which rituals will get the job done.

#witchcraft #magick #occult #WitchTip

Last updated 2 years ago

khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
660 followers · 548 posts · Server

Witch Tip: Instead of throwing away old or damaged clothing, cut the fabric into little squares and use them for spell sachets!


#WitchTip #magick #witchcraft

Last updated 2 years ago

khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
652 followers · 531 posts · Server

Witch Tip: Write petitions on seed paper and plant them! As the seeds grow into flowers, your intentions will bloom!


#magick #WitchTip #witchcraft

Last updated 2 years ago

fox · @foxen
64 followers · 154 posts · Server

while divinity and magic can absolutely manifest in physical ways, please practice discernment.

is your candle burning with a huge flame because of magic or did you just pack it with a bunch of flammable dry plant material? is apollo talking to you or did you just see a normal bird outside, where birds live? did the house spirits knock down your new poster because they dont like it or did you just not tape it down properly?

some things just exist because they exist and thats that. not everything exists to communicate some higher meaning to you specifically. thats an egocentric way of looking at the world. life is so much bigger than that.

magic, spirits and the divine can and do communicate with us through mundane means. but a lot of people (especially newcomers) tend to assume everything is a sign, when sometimes its just something existing. its okay to be unsure. its okay to say "hey, maybe this is a sign or maybe its not."

and its okay if something isnt a sign. it doesnt mean your gods abandoned you. it doesnt mean your magic isnt working.

#WitchTip #Pagan #paganism #animism #witchcraft #witch

Last updated 2 years ago

khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
611 followers · 472 posts · Server

Witch Tip: Lipstick kisses on parchment or a napkin make excellent taglocks for romance-related magick. 💋 Be sure to ask for consent first!


#occult #magick #WitchTip #witchcraft

Last updated 2 years ago

khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
608 followers · 462 posts · Server

Witch Tip: Foster the skill of being able to quickly shift gears and think on your feet. While you can painstakingly plan every detail of a ritual, sometimes things can still change at the last minute. Knowing when and how to improvise will save you a lot of stress.


#occult #magick #WitchTip #witchcraft

Last updated 2 years ago

khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
540 followers · 330 posts · Server

Witch Tip: If you love to research for your craft but struggle to find the motivation to write everything down so you don't forget, try using a voice recorder app on your phone instead! As you research, have your recorder handy and repeat aloud any details that you want to save.

#occult #magick #witch #WitchTip #witchcraft

Last updated 2 years ago

khthoniaa :pinkmoon: · @khthoniaa
422 followers · 268 posts · Server

Witch Tip: If you need an inexpensive, incognito, and easy to use material to make poppets, Play-Doh is an option! It also comes in all kinds of different colors, which could be beneficial for some types of spell work!

#SympatheticMagick #poppet #witch #WitchTip #witchcraft

Last updated 2 years ago