Joining the #5and5 #boardGame challenge:
5 #games I've recently played.
1. #StarTrek Super-Skill Pinball
2. #Pandemic: Reign of #Cthulhu
3. #RollToTheTop
4. Rocky Road a la Mode
5. Carnival of Monsters
5 games I'm looking forward to playing:
1. Rococo
2. #JurassicPark: The Legacy of Isla Nublar
3. #Witchstone
4. #MonstersOnBoard (Halloween isn't over if you don't believe it is!)
5. #LostRuinsOfArnak
Notice all the games beginning with 'R'. We're on a gradual A-to-Z playthrough.
#lostruinsofarnak #MonstersOnBoard #Witchstone #jurassicpark #RollToTheTop #Cthulhu #pandemic #StarTrek #games #boardGame #5and5