@jeremy "What am I missing?"
Are you talking about the USA specifically? In Europe this is constantly a major theme of the #ClimateCrisis activism (partly because agricultural policy is the biggest budget item of the #EU).
#WithdrawTheCap / #VoteThisCAPdown has been one of the more recent episodes. https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/withdraw-cap
#climatecrisis #eu #WithdrawTheCAP #VoteThisCAPdown
Ebbene sì: torniamo a parlare di PAC.
Tra solo una settimana il parlamento europeo avrà il voto definitivo su questa terribile Politica Agricola Comune.
Perchè terribile? Solo un esempio: la zootecnia intensiva è la principale responsabile delle emissioni agricole e causa principale di deforestazione. Un sistema che la PAC sostiene con circa i 2/3 dei fondi disponibili, con un impianto d
Wir fordern @TimmermansEU und @vonderleyen, und .@JuliaKloeckner, #WithdrawTheCAP, weil dieser Agrardeal gegen das Pariser Abkommen verstößt.
#WithdrawTheCAP #WeCareAboutCAP
RT @GretaThunberg@twitter.com
School strike week 144. We are asking the EU commission to #WithdrawTheCAP . We cannot afford 7 more years of environmental- and climate destruction.
#fridaysforfuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1395706438912184328
#FaceTheClimateEmergency #fridaysforfuture #climatestrikeonline #mindthegap #WithdrawTheCAP
RT @GreenpeaceEU
EU leaders are getting ready to greenwash the EU's farm policy, CAP
The plan on the table is a disaster for small farms, nature and the climate
Last chance for @TimmermansEU to #WithdrawTheCAP https://twitter.com/Fridays4future/status/1395409833633878017
Avec @wemoveEU, je vous demande de #WithdrawTheCAP @vonderleyen. L’Europe a besoin d'une politique agricole qui protège nos paysans, notre santé et notre environnement. pic.twitter.com/1ERy6aKmsp https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/retirez-la-PAC?utm_campaign=49KAudC4lp&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=share
RT @WithdrawThisCAP@twitter.com
Today people are striking all over the world to demand that the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) be Withdrawn by the EU Commission. #WithdrawTheCAP
Pic 1: @YouthForClimat4@twitter.com, France
Pic 2: @GretaThunberg@twitter.com, Sweden
Pic 3: @lifewithsommer@twitter.com, Finland
Pic 4: @maxoscarherzog@twitter.com, Germany
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WithdrawThisCAP/status/1375423484524957698
#WithdrawTheCAP #NoMoreEmptyPromises
#WithdrawTheCAP #NoMoreEmptyPromises
RT @laura_sullivan
Scientists are doing rebellious things with glue and windows of ministries in #Germany - this is a good sign. Keep going people #WithdrawTheCAP #climatejustice #BiodiversityCrisis #fightinequality @wemoveEU @ScientistRebel1 https://twitter.com/AnnemarieBotzki/status/1375076576556163073
#germany #WithdrawTheCAP #ClimateJustice #biodiversitycrisis #fightinequality
RT @HarrietBirdlife
Portuguese presidency wants to wrap up CAP talks by the end of the month!
We urgently need #Space4Nature on farms, the biggest gamechanger for biodiversity, if Council and Parliament want to fake it, Commission needs to #WithdrawTheCAP https://twitter.com/gerardofortuna/status/1366410836936454147
RT @ArielBrunner
For those who missed our conference on CAP and the future of farming today, this super detailed brilliant thread is almost as good as having been there. #WithdrawTheCAP https://twitter.com/KA_Nicholas/status/1361975358187327488
Diretta sulla PAC con Burtsher, direttore del commissariato EU per l’agricoltura
La campagna #WithdrawTheCap è continuata il 29 gennaio alle 12:30 con una live sul canale YouTube e sui social di FFF internazionale in un dibattito con il direttore generale per l'agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale per la Commissione europea Wolfgang Burtscher. La lotta per
#politica #news #WithdrawTheCAP
.@vonderleyen ¡No vamos a condenar a muerte a la naturaleza! La nueva PAC exterminará más pájaros y abejas y contaminará el agua y el aire. No podemos permitirlo. #WithdrawTheCAP pic.twitter.com/1ERy6aKmsp
Stop the bad agriculture deal @vonderleyen. It will pay billions to industrial farms, fuelling the environmental crisis. I urge you to withdraw this deal and propose a new agriculture policy good for our health and for nature #WithdrawTheCAP https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/industrial-farming
RT from Fridays For Future Saarland #WithdrawTheCAP🛑↩️:
#Adventskalender Türchen 6: Wir fordern Klimabürger*innenräte für mehr Mitbestimmung beim #Klimaschutz
Zur Petition: https://fffutu.re/2PLwqC
Mehr Infos: https://fridaysforfuture-saarland.de/blog/2020/12/06/tuerchen-6-klimabuergerinnenraete/
#klimamitbestimmung #fridaysforfuture https://t.co/UjwjiUORSk
Posted 07. December 2020 - 10:32 on Twitter
Origin: https://twitter.com/FFF_Muenster/status/1335630160603869185
#WithdrawTheCAP #adventskalender #klimaschutz #Klimamitbestimmung #fridaysforfuture
RT @HofstetGP@twitter.com
Tja, wo kommen wir hin, wenn junge Menschen auf Basis wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse die von Agrariern ausgehandelten EU Agrarbeschlüsse einfach öffentlich kritisieren?
Sind doch nicht deren 400 Mrd €!
#WithdrawTheCAP @FridayForFuture@twitter.com https://www.topagrar.com/management-und-politik/news/cdu-uebt-scharfe-kritik-an-fridays-for-future-12423365.html via @topagrar@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HofstetGP/status/1335481469951676417
RT @JoanieLemercier@twitter.com
with #FridaysForFuture
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JoanieLemercier/status/1332723285361127424
#fridaysforfuture #WithdrawTheCAP
Extremwetterereignisse wie Hitze und Dürre tragen einen klaren Fingerabdruck des menschenverursachten Klimawandels. Siehe #UnitedInScience2020: https://public.wmo.int/en/resources/united_in_science
Darüber müssen wir nicht mehr diskutieren. Wir müssen aber die GAP diskutieren und fordern: #WithdrawTheCAP
Posted 01. December 2020 - 12:59 on Twitter
Origin: https://twitter.com/FFF_Muenster/status/1333757727517118471
#UnitedInScience2020 #WithdrawTheCAP
RT from Fridays for Future Freiburg:
Today, we are calling on EU leaders @TimmermansEU @vonderleyen @SKyriakidesEU and the German minister for agriculture @JuliaKloeckner to #WithdrawTheCAP! Our agricultural policies must be in line with the European #GreenDeal to fight the climate and biodiversity crisis!
Posted 01. December 2020 - 12:47 on Twitter
Origin: https://twitter.com/FFF_Muenster/status/1333753377981943810
@Kaptain_spACE Nein, entscheidend ist, dass der größte Haushaltsposten der EU nicht mit Klimaschutz & Biodiv. vereinbar ist. Das GAP verschlimmert die Klimakrise & wird zu mehr Dürren + mehr Hitzerekorden führen. Deshalb fordern wir von der Kommission: #WithdrawTheCAP
Posted 01. December 2020 - 12:31 on Twitter
Origin: https://twitter.com/FFF_Muenster/status/1333750497271025666