Lovely first visit to Scrivener’s Bookshop in Buxton. Five floors, 40,000 second-hand books, now minus one or two. (Week-End Wodehouse for me.)
#bookshop #bookstodon @bookstodon #Wodehouse
#bookshop #bookstodon #Wodehouse
Wodehouse did love Doyle's work especially Sherlock Holmes novels. He probably loved them more than Doyle. The big difference is Doyle got sick of Holmes eventually and while Wodehouse never did of Jeeves or Wooster. #Wodehouse #conandoyle
"Homer and Wodehouse write, with deliberate artistic purpose about comparable societies, lordly or near-lordly, past almost timeless and yet in certain respects engagingly anachronistic, that each author writes a private language, rich in imagery, allusions, repetitions, formulaic expressions and suppressed quotations; that if the sub-title of The Illiad was The Wrath of Achilles, the sub-title of any Omnibus of Bertie Wooster's writings could well be The Wrath of Aunt Agatha." #Wodehouse #Homer
"Homer and Wodehouse write, with deliberate artistic purpose about comparable societies, lordly or near-lordly, past almost timeless and yet in certain respects engagingly anachronistic, that each author writes a private language, rich in imagery, allusions, repetitions, formulaic expressions and suppressed quotations; that if the sub-title of The Illiad was The Wrath of Achilles, the sub-title of any Omnibus of Bertie Wooster's writings could well be The Wrath of Aunt Agatha." #Wodehouse
I am kind of self taught expert in regards to master but still excited to read this. #Wodehouse
A fun twist on the basic book trailer:
#booktrailer #cozymystery #wodehouse
#booktrailer #CozyMystery #Wodehouse
Time, the great healer, could never remove from my memory the occasion when he found me----then a stripling of fifteen---smoking one of his special cigars in the stables. He got after me with a hunting-crop just at the moment when I was beginning to realize that what I wanted most on earth was solitude and repose, and chased me more than a mile across difficult country.
PG Wodehouse, Jeeves takes Charge (1916)
#wodehouse_perfection #Wodehouse #books #style #arcadia
[1991] Jeeves and Wooster - "The Silver Jug", romantic entanglements are complicated by a unique silver cow creamer that is desired by both Bertie's Uncle Thomas and his rival, Judge Sir Watkyn Bassett. Starring Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry.
#OldBritishTelly #Wodehouse #HughLaurie #StephenFry
Ceci n'est pas un book trailer:
#CozyMystery #Wodehouse #wodehouseian For those of you who know this character, there’s a bit of him in the devilishly-dashing detective MC of my HAWKWOOD pilot, too!😁(for those who don’t, it’s Galahad Threepwood, played superbly by Julian Rhind-Tutt on “The Blandings”, also w/Timothy Spall & Jennifer Saunders!👍) #comedy #MurderMystery #1950s #cotswalds #pilot #NeurodiverseWriter #SeekingRepresentation #UKagents #Wodehouse #TheBlandings
#comedy #MurderMystery #1950s #cotswalds #pilot #NeurodiverseWriter #SeekingRepresentation #UKagents #Wodehouse #theblandings
I’ve just read my first Rex Stout/Nero Wolfe novel, The Golden Spiders. What a cracker of a story, and so funny. I can see why PG Wodehouse (Stout’s contemporary) liked his work so much.
#classiccrime #nerowolfe #Wodehouse
[1990] Jeeves and Wooster - “How Does Gussie Woo Madeline? (or, Hunger Strike)", Bertie tries to play Cupid without Jeeves' help. His friend Gussie is in love with Madeline, who happens to be staying at Bertie's Aunt Dahlia's house, so Bertie arranges for him to visit.
Starring Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry
#OldBritishTelly #Wodehouse #HughLaurie #StephenFry My Hawkwood pilot (“Salted with Fire”), a comedy-murder-mystery, that I had a fun table-read for @Spotlight in Oct. (showreel should be ready soon to send to agents/prod); working on ep. 2 now (“The Long Shadows”) & hope to go back for another table-read! #amquerying #UKagents #pilot #1950s #Cotswolds #comedy #MurderMystery #detective #Wodehouse #AgathaChristie -vibe
#amquerying #UKagents #pilot #1950s #cotswolds #comedy #MurderMystery #detective #Wodehouse #agathachristie
“A tall, drooping man, looking as if he had been stuffed in a hurry by an inexperienced taxidermist.” #Wodehouse
[1998] Booked - David Aaronovitch at the Hay Festival with Muriel Spark, Christopher Hitchens and Nigella Lawson.
Discussing The Reader by Bernhard Schlink, and PG Wodehouse.
#OldBritishTelly #DavidAaronovitch #MurielSpark #ChristopherHitchens #NigellaLawson #Wodehouse
#OldBritishTelly #davidaaronovitch #murielspark #ChristopherHitchens #nigellalawson #Wodehouse
#1stPageFriday “The Long Shadows”, 2nd ep of my “Hawkwood” pilot; comedy murder-mystery w/same Wodehouse/Christie-vibe as #FatherBrown but w/a more charmingly-devilish detective than the good Padre!); hopefully will do a table-read for this, too! #amquerying #UKagents #writers #comedy #MurderMystery #producers #Wodehouse #AgathaChristie #detective #1950s #Cotswolds
#1stpagefriday #fatherbrown #amquerying #UKagents #writers #comedy #MurderMystery #producers #Wodehouse #agathachristie #detective #1950s #cotswolds
@phoenixashes76 @owlislost @bookstodon @timrichards His mastery of the rhythms of English make him a special delight for reading aloud. #Wodehouse
@owlislost @bookstodon my husband @timrichards and I have had the habit of reading aloud for years, normally to unwind in bed at the end of the day. I usually read because if he does I stay awake to hear more of the story! We’ve been working through the Foundation books after finding the tv show disappointing, but have read Christie, Conan Doyle, travel memoirs and heaps of PG Wodehouse, who is marvellous for reading aloud. #Wodehouse