Quel "Wolf of Wall Street" che amava giocare a poker. Chi è Carl Icahn, l’investitore miliardario accusato di schema Ponzi. Il suo ufficio è pieno di trofei. Non coppe, ma fogli di carta incorniciati: i bilanci delle società che ha scalato. Perché Carl Icahn è stato uno dei primi corporate raider.
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#carlicahn #hindenburgresearch #Icahnenterprises #miliardari #schemaPonzi #truffemilionarie #wallstreet #WolfofWallstreet
Cette photo emblématique, du 9 avril 1918, montre l'acteur Charlie Chaplin retenu par son collègue acteur Douglas Fairbanks lors d'un rassemblement de Wall Street pour vendre des obligations de guerre.
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#charliechaplin #WolfofWallstreet #wallstreet #forex #money #trading #stocks #stockmarket #douglasfairbanks #warbonds #bitcoin #chaplin #investing #finance #success #wealth #oldwallstreet #vintagewalltreet #moneyneversleeps #NewYorkLife #vintagenewyorkcity #thisisgold #Colorized #historyinpictures
Margot Robbie says tequila shots helped her film nude 'Wolf of Wall Street' scenes
#margotrobbie #wolfofwallstreet #tequilashots
#margotrobbie #WolfofWallstreet #tequilashots
‘World War III Has Begun,’ Says Gerald Celente; Plus, Long-Term BTC Predictions and Scorching US Inflation — Bitcoin.com News Week in Review
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#ConsumerPriceIndex #ScorchingInflation #WolfofWallstreet #RecordInflation #bitcoinbottom #BTCprediction #GeraldCelente #jordanbelfort #kevino #WorldWarIII #greatreset #PanicEvent #NATO