The Brimuxi's crew goes raiding on behalf of the people of Sicara. While the regular squabbling betwixt crew members still occurred, the job itself went off flawlessly!
This will be my last recap for awhile. The party was kind enough to turn this into a pickup game, so there may be some intermittent updates when we're able to get together. Thanks to everyone who's been reading and following along, it's been a lot of fun!
#ttrpg #osr #WolvesUponTheCoast
Our tenth session of #WolvesUpontheCoast wrapped up. There was some sailing, some interparty strife, and promise of fortune and glorious battle! Check it out when you've got a minute:
#WolvesUponTheCoast #osr #asabovesobelow
Torn between doing #dungeon23, continuing #WolvesUponTheCoast, or returning to #Dwimmermount. I know I want to commit to doing one of the three with some regularity in 2023 but I know I don't have the time or energy for more than one.
#dungeon23 #WolvesUponTheCoast #dwimmermount
First session report from my #Starforged #WolvesUponTheCoast #soloRPG campaign. I actually played this last weekend. Shipwrecked on the small island of Rhus, Estrid leads her warband against some marauding merfolk.
#starforged #WolvesUponTheCoast #soloRPG
I wrote about starting Luke Gearing's acclaimed hexcrawl campaign #WolvesUponTheCoast, using @shawntomkin's #starforged. Not an obvious choice...
New(ish) #ttrpg blog, by the way. I'd like to blog more. I worry about it all - layout, writing skill, name, etc, so much that I frequently stall out.
#WolvesUponTheCoast #starforged #ttrpg
There's just too many great #ttrpg games out there and not enough time to play them. I'd like a go with #Mausritter, #VeinsOfTheEarth, #Golgotha, #Troika, and #CY_BORG... and been asked if I'd be interested in running #CurseOfStrahd (I've never touched #DnD5e!)
I'm already running #PiratesOfDrinax and a #WolvesUponTheCoast Upon the Coast/#Starforged mashup, can I squeeze a third in somewhere??
#ttrpg #Mausritter #veinsoftheearth #golgotha #troika #CY_BORG #curseofstrahd #dnd5e #piratesofdrinax #WolvesUponTheCoast
#WolvesUponTheCoast, #ironsworn: ambushed by merfolk. Made it to the relative safety of the village of Rohel. Attacked by yet more merfolk in the night but managed to rally the villagers into a spirited defence. Swore to end this piscine peril. Fishfingers(!) for supper?
(Little @theGROGNARDfiles in-joke for the #grogsquad there.)
#WolvesUponTheCoast #ironsworn #grogsquad
playing some #starforged with the #ironsworn oracles, in the #WolvesUponTheCoast sandbox. Works really well as Ironsworn and WuTC share a norse/dark ages aesthetic.
#starforged #ironsworn #WolvesUponTheCoast
Luke Gearing kindly provides most of #WolvesUponTheCoast as markdown files, which means with only a handful of edits and a little scripting, I now have this beautiful index page and corresponding entries in my #obsidianmd #ttrpg vault.
Is there anything more satisfying that well-organised TTRPG stuff?
#WolvesUponTheCoast #ObsidianMD #ttrpg
Felt a bit better today so I spent some time in front of the computer, prepping #WolvesUponTheCoast into my #ObsidianMD #ttrpg vault. Unfortunately it did prove I'm not really ready to go back to work, headache kicked in pretty quickly looking at the screen.
#WolvesUponTheCoast looks fantastic though; the &Monsters supplement is like poetry.
#WolvesUponTheCoast #ObsidianMD #ttrpg