RT Women4Cyber
📢You have one month left to apply for the Executive Master in Cybersecurity Management (EMCM) Scholarship! @SolvayEDU is offering in collaboration with #Women4Cyber one full scholarship and three half scholarships
More info: https://women4cyber.eu/solvay-scholarship-m-a-in-cybersecurity-management/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Women4Cyber/status/1679439800254726145
RT @DespinaSpanou: Women only represent 20% of cybersecurity graduates.
You are a woman interested in #cybersecurity and an opportunity to jump start your career in the field? The EU Cybersecurity Skills Academy https://digital-skills-jobs.europa.eu/en/opportunities/training?f%5B0%5D=digital_technology%3Ahttp%3A//data.europa.eu/uxp/c_04ae3ba8 #Women4Cyber #EuropeanYearOfSkills #CyberSecEU #DigitalEU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EEAthina/status/1649287552476540928
#cybersecurity #Women4Cyber #EuropeanYearOfSkills #CyberSecEU #DigitalEU
Thank you to the engaged students from @GovPA_UGent who visited #ENISA to find out more about the EU cyber ecosystem.
Hopefully many will choose a career path in #cybersecurity! #women4cyber #IWD2023
RT @ReinhildeB: Having the perfect end of the day @enisa_eu receiving valuable information on the EU Agency for Cybersecurity and its activities.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/enisa_eu/status/1633368979413581825
#ENISA #cybersecurity #Women4Cyber #IWD2023
RT @DespinaSpanou: A business graduate and a computer scientist-one in the private sector one working for the police both in the service of #cybersecurity-inspiring young women of #TeamEurope winner #ECSC22 #Women4Cyber @alexiakonstantinidi @ECSCGR @xoxDanique at @enisa_eu skills framework launch
#cybersecurity #TeamEurope #ECSC22 #Women4Cyber
RT @DespinaSpanou: A business graduate and a computer scientist-one in the private sector one working for the police both in the service of #cybersecurity-inspiring young women of #TeamEurope winner #ECSC22 #Women4Cyber @alexiakonstantinidi @ECSCGR @xoxDanique at @enisa_eu skills framework launch
#cybersecurity #TeamEurope #ECSC22 #Women4Cyber
#Women4Cyber. Unentschieden, ob mein Buzzword-o-meter zu doll funkelt oder ob ich das als Instrument für die Sichtbarkeit von Frauen im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit ganz ok finde. https://women4cyber.eu/
Ein Projekt der EU-Kommission zusammen mit ECSO: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/commission-launches-women4cyber-registry-talents-field-cybersecurity