RT @EUAmbKenya: Congratulations to @AngelMbuthia for being announced as 'Ms President' in this second Season.
We are proud of all the participants who made the show lively,informative and showed that women too can lead. #SheCanLead #WomenMustLead
@Media_Focus @EU_FPI @ktnhome_ @UN_Women
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EUinKenya/status/1593566903737401344
RT @HagemannKatrin: Congratulations to @AngelMbuthia #MsPresident!
Another step towards #womenempowerment and furthering women's participation in politics!
πππto all participants. You are all winners.π
#SheCanLead #WomenMustLead @Media_Focus @UN_Women @CanHCKenya @EU_FPI @ktnhome_
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EUinKenya/status/1593335640166473729
#Mspresident #womenempowerment #shecanlead #WomenMustLead
Congratulations @AngelMbuthia and all the participants of #MsPresident season 2. π π π #SheCanLead #WomenMustLead @BinaMaseno @BintiRigha
RT @Media_Focus: Our winners for the 2nd Season of #MsPresident are;
Angel Mbuthia - #MsPresident winner
Bina Maseno- 1st Runners up
Milkah Righa- 2nd Runners up
#MsPresidentFinale #SheCanLead
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EUinKenya/status/1593318788505735169
#Mspresident #shecanlead #WomenMustLead #MsPresidentFinale