Vietare l’istruzione alle ragazze afghane significa violare i #dirittiumani.
Cultura, conoscenza e competenze sono strumenti per uscire dalla crisi economica, ambientale e alimentare in #Afghanistan.
E il contributo delle #donne, anche in questo caso, è fondamentale
#dirittiumani #Afghanistan #donne #WomenRights
Ils se prétendent Pro- vie mais prônent la mort!
#Scandaleux #IVG #womenrights
RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 FLASH - La Caroline du Sud réfléchit à rendre l’avortement passible de la peine de mort. (Business Insider) #ÉtatsUnis
#Scandaleux #IVG #WomenRights #ÉtatsUnis
RT @Francesca_Garba: Che bello invitare al #ParlamentoEuropeo tante giovani ragazze per parlare insieme di parità di genere, di come lasciarsi alle spalle stereotipi e pregiudizi e di un futuro più giusto per tutti!
#womenrights 💪🏻
@ale_moretti @camillalaureti1 @Giulia_B
#ParlamentoEuropeo #WomenRights #GenderEquality
RT @LatviaUN_NY: Latvia 🇱🇻 is honored to chair the #CSW67 General Discussion at the #UNGA Hall, where Ministers of the 🇺🇳 Member States from all around the world 🌍 share their policies and actions to promote and achieve #genderequality and #womenrights in the digital era 👩💻
#CSW67 #UNGA #GenderEquality #WomenRights
Femicide — the killing of women simply because they are women — has become an urgent issue in Mexico.
The LA Times Patrick McDonnell and Cecilia Sanchez Vidal report on the case of Ariadna López
#iappreciateyou 👊🏽💯
#goodmorningworld #grandrising #enjoyurday #musicforthesoul #WomenRights #deadmanrashaun #followmeonapplemusic #followmeonamazonmusic #folowmeonspotify #iappreciateyou
Women's Day is a day to celebrate the accomplishments of women and to acknowledge the ongoing struggle for gender equality. It is an opportunity for individuals and organizations to come
together and take action towards creating a more equitable world for all genders.
#Women #WomenRights #IWD2023
#InternationalWomensDay #WomensHistoryMonth
#women #WomenRights #iwd2023 #internationalwomensday #womenshistorymonth
Now, more than ever, we should take time to appreciate the better part of humanity and show them a huge amount of respect.
Happy #InternationalWomenDay to you all.
#WomenRights are #HumanRights.
#InternationalWomenDay #WomenRights #humanrights #iwd #WomenPower #respect
"Anna Orel, one of the team working with survivors at the charity, said it is like "a horror, a scary movie". "They just want to destroy us mentally. Russian forces have used rape as a deliberate tactic to dehumanise the victims. Most people who survive through this, they don't want to live on. Our main goal is to return them to their previous life, to help them to hold on and to give them the reason to live."
#WomenRights #RussianWarCrimes #russiaisaterroriststate
Druck hilft!
Fight against #Genderbasedviolence #EU #WomenRights
RT @EUCouncilPress: .@EUCouncil requests the consent of @europarl_en to conclude the convention on preventing and combatting violence against women and domestic violence #IstanbulConvention
#genderbasedviolence #EU #WomenRights #istanbulconvention
I've learnt this interesting piece of news #today.
And I believe it's the way to follow
#HumanRights #WomenRights #TransRights #LeadByExample
#today #humanrights #WomenRights #transrights #LeadByExample
Truly great step! I worked for years as MEP responsible for the #Istambulconvention to get the Council on board. Now #EP must do its part to adopting key tools to combat domestic and gender based violence and fight impunity. #violenceagainstwomen #womenrights #domesticviolence
RT @sweden2023eu: #COREPERII: EU ambassadors today agreed to ask the European Parliament’s consent for the Union’s accession to the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence a…
#Istambulconvention #EP #ViolenceAgainstWomen #WomenRights #domesticviolence #COREPERII
Παρέμβασή μου στην #TRAN ως εισηγήτρια της @Left_EU για τη Διασφάλιση της κάλυψης των αναγκών των γυναικών στις ευρωπαϊκές μεταφορές.
#transport #womenrights @EP_Transport @syrizaep
Mega 🫂👍🥳Verdient
Congrats für diese wunderbare Feministin @SeifJoumana #Syria #EU
RT @boell_meo: We are honored to announce that the amazing @SeifJoumana will receive the Anne Klein Woman Awards for 2023 for her outstanding fight on #womenrights on March 3rd @BoellStiftung
RT @MZZRS: #FAC | FM @tfajon on #CurrentAffairs:
➡️ visits to 🇽🇰&🇧🇦 & proposed concrete #EU actions.
➡️ advocated for active policy for elimination of breaches of #WomenRights in AFGH 🇦🇫.
➡️ supported 🇳🇱 initiative on multilateral approach to tackle rules for #AI for military means #LAWS.
#FAC #currentaffairs #EU #WomenRights #AI #laws
Please watch it now, we have @MichaelCJT in our @EPSocialAffairs meeting
I will question him on
RT @EPSocialAffairs: 🚨 Today on #EMPL meeting agenda:
🔘 Evaluation of EU Quality Framework for Traineeships
🔘 Quality traineeships in the EU
🔘 Exchange of views with @EURightsAgency director @MichaelCJT
🔘 Exchange of views with @vestager
🕓 15.00 - 18.30
More info 👇
#WomenRights #DisabilityRights #TheFutureIsAccessible #EMPL
Mursal Nabizada, a vocal Taliban critic, is the first legislator with the previous US-backed government to have been killed under the Taliban regime.
#Afghanistan #Taliban #womenrights #southasia #worldnews
#afghanistan #taliban #WomenRights #SouthAsia #worldnews
In my work at the European Parliament, I have defended that we should practice equality, not just proclaim it. The Women on Boards directive brings an important message, and invites women to believe in their true potential.
@EPPGroup @psdparleuropeu
#Feminisme #WomenRights Entre avancées et reculs, une année 2022 de lutte pour les droits des femmes ⤵️