A #TBT video of #IWD2023; when courageous young women street artists, who challenged gender norms by becoming inspiring #graffiti artists in #AddisAbaba #Ethiopia came to @EUtoAU performing their art work, celebrating #WomensDay. @BNMarkussen #AUEU @EU_Partnerships
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUtoAU/status/1638801329081700354
#TBT #IWD2023 #graffiti #AddisAbaba #Ethiopia #WomensDay #AUEU
👩🔬👩💻 In the light of last week's #WomensDay, we're excited to share our latest study on women in innovation!
🌍 Discover how inclusivity unlocks new potential for innovation in Europe
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EITeu/status/1636291283156074497
#WomensDay #womeninstem #WomeninBusiness
➡️Follow live International Women’s Day ceremony with Nobel winner Shirin Ebadi, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, President @vonderleyen and @EP_President Roberta Metsola #WomensDay #mahsaamini #womenlifefreedom 📽️ https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Frederiqueries/status/1635968898116857856
#WomensDay #MahsaAmini #WomenLifeFreedom
Women’s rights are in danger
In #Iran #Afghanistan #Syria
I am happy that the @EUParl_EN invited 2 women
The female astronaut Commander @SamanthaCristoforetti, European Space Agency Astronaut.
Dr @ShirinEbadi, Nobel Prize Winner and Iranian activist❤️🇪🇺 #WomensDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1635958925676761091
#iran #Afghanistan #Syria #WomensDay
#JIF2023 au #Bénin. Connaissez-vous les 29 #femmes députées de la 9è législature? En célébrant le leadership féminin, l’#INF a fait un focus sur leurs priorités & leurs combats. Suivez cette vidéo pour mieux les connaître:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEauBenin/status/1635297054103859200
#JIF2023 #Bénin #femmes #INF #PlusFortEsEnsemble #WomensDay
During this year’s International #WomensDay the European Union and all member states here in Kenya vowed to continue championing for equal access to opportunities for women and girls in the digital space by ensuring safe digital connectivity. #EmbraceEquity #IWD2023
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinKenya/status/1635238979401568258
#WomensDay #EmbraceEquity #IWD2023
RT @WIC_News: MEP Elena Kountoura highlights her strong will to empower women on International Women’s Day 2023
#IWD2023 #InternationalWomensDay #Empowerment #WomensDay #wicnews @ElenaKountoura
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1634835281013784577
#IWD2023 #InternationalWomensDay #empowerment #WomensDay #wicnews
Beelden van de inspirerende vrouwendag-demonstratie in Utrecht
"Een paar honderd mensen deden op woensdag 8 maart in Utrecht mee aan de zeer strijdbare Internationale Vrouwendag-demonstratie. Na een zestal sterke speeches en een aantal optredens trokken we door de binnenstad richting het stadhuis, waar nog uitgebreid leuzen geroepen werden. De beelden spreken verder voor zichzelf."
#WomensDay #vrouwendag #Video #utrecht #foto #demonstratie
RT @leilachaibi: For the right-wing MEP @MarianMarinescu, working in an airport "it’s not a woman’s work". He came up with this brillant quote right in the middle of #WomensDay. Great job!
Can you help us @MarianMarinescu? What is a "woman's work" exactly?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Left_EU/status/1633881941014626306
#JIF2023 au #Bénin: Belle cérémonie d'hommage organisée par l'#INF à l'intention des 29 #femmes élues #députées. Elles ont présenté leurs parcours et leurs #priorités et échangé autour du thème: 29 femmes au #Parlement: et maintenant?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEauBenin/status/1633871335821541381
#JIF2023 #Bénin #INF #femmes #députées #priorités #Parlement #PlusFortEsEnsemble #WWD2023 #WomensDay
#vehicle #safety #WomensDay
Crash test dummies used in the government’s 5-star safety tests do not account for female bodies, only men. Women tend to sustain more injuries in a crash.
@spaf Long ago someone proposed that the government establish National Nanoseconds so that we could celebrate everyone and everything. One day for 50% of the population seems wrong. #WomensDay
RT @EUinSingapore: Happy International #WomensDay to all the women and girls in Singapore. Inspiring to meet 🇸🇬 #WomenInSTEM that empower the next generation to follow their passion.
@Ong_Soh_Khim #IWD2023
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Bonn/status/1633748042586177537
#WomensDay #womeninstem #IWD2023
RT @EUDELCoE: This year we go #DigitALL for #WomensDay in line with @UN_Women focus on innovation and technology for #GenderEquality and the #EuropeanYearOfSkills.
#WomenInSTEM show us how #GenderEquality and ♀️ empowerment work to the benefit of all.
👇Meet @coe @edqm Director Dr Petra Dörr👏
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Bonn/status/1633747961728335873
#DigitAll #WomensDay #GenderEquality #EuropeanYearOfSkills #womeninstem
Very good meeting with Slovenian President @nmusar. Honoured to celebrate #WomensDay in Lubiana.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PaoloGentiloni/status/1633773957085003776
9 хороших новостей про женщин и их права за последние несколько лет.
#WomensDay #гендерноеравенство
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinRussia/status/1633767404328083457
#WomensDay #гендерноеравенство
@eu_eeas @EU_Partnerships @PratikshaPandey
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinNepal/status/1633676643821551618
Commedia dell'arte broke ground by featuring women performers, including Isabella Andreini, in the 16th century! #WomensDay #Feminism #Entertainment https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-03-09&topic=WomensDay
#entertainment #feminism #WomensDay
Hoy no solo recordamos a las mujeres y niñas en situaciones críticas, sino que también nos unimos a las celebraciones del #DíaDeLaMujer para promover la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de las mujeres. ⤵️
#WomenInSTEM #WomensDay
RT @eu_eeas: Today, we not only remember women and girls in critical situations but also join #WomensDay celebrations to promote gender equality and women empowerment.
Let's spotlight #WomenInSTEM, the change makers who challenge …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1633539400511414295
#Díadelamujer #womeninstem #WomensDay