Never forget Sen Sinema's GOPfilibuster bond that endangers girls and women nationally indefinitely. Just like w VotingRightsProtections, #kyrstensinema let #WomensHealthProtectionAct die. #AbortionIsHealthcare #Arizona
#Arizona #abortionishealthcare #WomensHealthProtectionAct #kyrstensinema
#BLM #blackhistory #education #blackmenunitied #PoliceReformNow #childliteracy #fooddeserts
#gunviolenceprevention #homelessness
#racism #DomesticAbuse #WomensHealthProtectionAct #LGBTQDiscrimination #housingdiscrimination #blackgenerationalwealth #reparations
These are most important to me, but mostly black women issues.Us sisters gonna work it out.We have a strong bond especially when it comes to voting.
#housingdiscrimination #blackhistory #blackmenunitied #reparations #blackgenerationalwealth #education #blm #childliteracy #fooddeserts #gunviolenceprevention #homelessness #racism #domesticabuse #WomensHealthProtectionAct #lgbtqdiscrimination #policereformnow
I joined my colleagues & voted to enshrine reproductive rights into federal law.
The Senate must do its job & pass the #WomensHealthProtectionAct.
Here’s an interesting question if Lisa Murkowski loses her election. Would she vote to abolish the filibuster in the lame duck to pass the women’s health protection act? Would Siemena get on board ? #womensHealthProtectionAct #filibuster
#WomensHealthProtectionAct #filibuster