That’s my yellowed face doing that side-eye on the front page of the Mar. 2, 1976, Washington Post. I was one of the first woman candidates to West Point and ended up being one of the first few women ever accepted too. I went elsewhere, which was a good thing, in part because I grew into way too much of a pacifist to have fared well as a soldier. The picture went out on AP, so clippings from relatives and family friends around the country started showing up in the mail. #womenshistory #feminism
'We should aim at getting an understanding of a country [New Guinea], especially its women...The study of the contributions of the Pacific countries to our culture would be a contribution to peace- teaching tolerance and understanding.'- 1950, Country Women's Association (VIC).
#history #women #missedinhistory #womenshistory #rurual #country
#history #women #missedinhistory #WomensHistory #rurual #country
It always amazes and delights me when a pattern begins to show across, supposedly, disconnected archives.
L: An article by Sarah Chinnery for the Country Women's Association (Vic) member magazine.
R: Phyllis Mander-Jones collection, holiday journal.
Both 1930s. Both focused on the actions of women. There's a research thread forming here, I just know it!
#history #Pacific #island #islandlife #historian #women #missedinhistory #WomensHistory #archives #research #art #linoprint #linoprinting
#history #pacific #island #islandlife #historian #women #missedinhistory #WomensHistory #archives #research #art #linoprint #linoprinting
Hmm, what to do with some hours on a dreary Monday morning? I know! Transcribe from the @statelibrarynsw archive of Phyllis Mander-Jones' unpublished play 'Library Lunacies or the Library Assistant's Dream' (1932).
Now I just need some actors...
#WomensHistoryMonth #missedinhistory #library #archive #womenshistory #playwright #Australia #histodon
#womenshistorymonth #missedinhistory #library #archive #WomensHistory #playwright #australia #histodon
Are you interested in what curators, librarians and historians do behind the scenes? Come along to this new State Library of NSW series hosted by Kate Evans (Radio National)!
On April 16 I'll be in Sydney, sharing items and thoughts about my project concerning the Phyllis Mander-Jones archive. I'll be joined on the panel by Maggie Patton and Jonathan London.
Book your ticket>>
#histodon #archive #missedinhistory #womenshistory #womenshistorymonth #archive
#histodon #archive #missedinhistory #WomensHistory #womenshistorymonth
Once again, the availability of microfilmed Pacific records, this time from the Pacific Manuscript Bureau, in the State Library of Victoria ensures I will continue to champion this headache-inducing format without restraint.
#twitterstorians #WomensHistory #missedinhistory #histodon
Heute ist #Weltfrauentag! Wir blicken zurück auf unser Heft "Fräulein" (#WerkstattGeschichte 27/2000) und damit auf das Verschwinden dieser Bezeichnung für ledige Frauen in der bundesdeutschen Nachkriegszeit; im Thementeil dazu Beiträge von Christine von Oertzen, Annette Brauerhoch und Sybille Buske, ➡️ online unter:
#WomensDay #Zeitgeschichte #Frauengeschichte #GermanHistory #ContemporaryHistory #WomensHistory #WomensHistoryMonth
#weltfrauentag #werkstattgeschichte #womensday #zeitgeschichte #frauengeschichte #germanhistory #contemporaryhistory #WomensHistory #womenshistorymonth
Let us honor every Women's History Month like it will be the last. Because in places like Florida, Republicans have declared war on those who seek to remedy injustice by remembering the history of everyone... not only a select few.
#WomensHistoryMonth #womensrights #women #womenshistory #republicans #republican #gqp #gop #news #politics #uspol #uspolitics #waronwomen #Desantis
#womenshistorymonth #womensrights #women #WomensHistory #republicans #Republican #GQP #gop #news #politics #uspol #uspolitics #waronwomen #desantis
Taken in Mailu, Papua, 1932, by the librarian Phyllis Mander-Jones, these photographs are evidence of a moment when tourism, missionary life and colonialism intersected.
Mander-Jones would later use these photographs for the basis of watercolours and lino prints, representing women's labour. You can view digitised versions of the lino prints via the SLNSW catalogue.
Source: State Library New South Wales, MLMSS 10832 Box 3.
#Papua #PNG #Pacific #womenshistory #GLAM #library #archives
#Papua #png #pacific #WomensHistory #glam #library #archives
At 13 years old, Phyllis did not want to keep travel journals, but by 1932 created a diary about her trip to Papua.
What was it about the Pacific Islands that caught her attention?
This Monday, I'll visit the State Library of New South Wales to learn why she changed her mind, and what this meant for generations of researchers concerned with Australian-Pacific relations.
#travelarchives #histodon #pacific #diary #WomensHistory
A new post is up! It was a delight to research at
the State Library of Victoria and to learn more about the CWA.
Was my curiosity satisfied? You'll have to read and find out.
#histodon #gender #archives #library #GLAM #women #politics #womenshistory #CWA #Australia #community #culture
#histodon #gender #archives #library #glam #women #politics #WomensHistory #CWA #australia #community #culture
These fascist will not stop until women are back to not being able to vote, own property or have bank accounts. It was our past and they want it to be our future. Democratic will do nothing to stop them. RIP U.S.A. #women #womensrights #WomensHistory #womenshealth #republicans #republicansarefacists #fascist #FascistGOP #RIPUSA
Republican demands "stronger laws" to stop women from leaving state to get abortions
#women #womensrights #WomensHistory #womenshealth #republicans #republicansarefacists #fascist #FascistGOP #ripusa
After two years of being involved in an unintentional game of pass-the-poster (Thanks covid), I finally recieved my summer school poster back. The first words out of my mouth? Oh, I'd write that differently now.
#histodon #png #WomensHistory #pacific #history #gradschool
This is a detailed exploration by Lesley Chow of how women's voices are often mis-understood as weak, pleading and inconsequential. She offers a discussion of how women make their sounds, and lyrics, rich and strong, full of critique and demands that work for them. What we get-as pop music listeners-are conflicting, powerful, songs that are ripe with accounts about sex, love, and life.
#bookreview #popmusic #histodon #WomensHistory #lyrics
In honor of #FossilFriday here is Orra's depiction of #Megatherium or the Giant Ground Sloth. Megatherium was one of the earliest fossils discovered in the United States, identified from a claw found in a Virginia cave. Early naturalists like Thomas Jefferson mistook that claw for a lion's.
#sciencehistory #paleontology #geology #naturalhistory #womenshistory #americanhistory
#fossilfriday #megatherium #sciencehistory #paleontology #geology #naturalhistory #WomensHistory #AmericanHistory
This is so awesome. #animation #AnimationHistory #WomensHistory
#animation #animationhistory #WomensHistory
Anka Muhlstein: Die Gefahren der Ehe. Elisabeth von England und Maria Stuart. Insel, Frankfurt am Main 2009.
#herstory #frauengeschichte #womenshistory #adelsgeschichte #frauenbewegung #goodmorning #femaleheritage #history #scottishheritage
#herstory #frauengeschichte #WomensHistory #adelsgeschichte #Frauenbewegung #goodmorning #femaleheritage #history #scottishheritage
This is heartbreaking
A moment that changed me: my grandmother was moved into a home – and her history erased
#OldAge #memories #unofficialHistories #WorkingClassHistory #WomensHistory #Ontario —
#oldage #memories #unofficialhistories #workingclasshistory #WomensHistory #ontario
#onthisday 1919 wurde Lady Astor als erstes weibliche Parlamentsmitglied des Vereinigten Königreiches erhoben. Sie kämpfte für das allgemeine Frauenwahlrecht & für die Gleichstellung der Frau im Staatsdienst. Nur Frauen über 30 Jahren hatten in Großbritannien 1918 das Wahlrecht erhalten.
Literatur: J. P. Wearing: Bernard Shaw and Nancy Astor. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo 2005.
#herstory #frauengeschichte #womenshistory #feminism #frauenbewegung #history #britishhistory
#onthisday #herstory #frauengeschichte #WomensHistory #feminism #Frauenbewegung #history #britishhistory
@FeministKelly Sounds like a great addition to #WisconsinWomenMakingHistory which I coordinate at #uwmadison! Thanks for sharing. #Wisconsin #WisconsinHistory #Herstory #WomensHistory
#wisconsinwomenmakinghistory #uwmadison #wisconsin #wisconsinhistory #herstory #WomensHistory