Stamp Out Spiking is a charitable organization established to tackle the increasing incidents of drink spiking.
Learn more about Stamp Out Spiking and other nighttime economy service providers that your city or business may find valuable:
#Spiking #DrinkSpiking #SlippedYouAMickey #WomensSafety #Consulting #StampOutSpiking
#stampoutspiking #consulting #WomensSafety #slippedyouamickey #drinkspiking #spiking
David Carrick: Thousands of police officers not properly vetted ‘putting women’s safety at risk’ | The Independent
Exclusive: Gaps are ‘jeopardising safety and undermining trust’, former victims’ commissioner says
#police #Vetting #WomensSafety #violenceagainstwomen #HMIC #PoliceVetting #CollegeOfPolicing