One more #retro #handheld for my collection. First time ordering through zenmarket, I finally got a working CIB #Swancrystal #Wonderswan
The screen is really beautiful!
#Wonderswan #swancrystal #handheld #retro
[Dream 🌌]
More at my blog,,, and il_mangiaavventure, links in bio!
I've been rearranging my collection a bit, and here's a small showcase of a few things I have on my shelves, including my Nokia N-Gage QD, my Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, and my Swancrystal!
#nokiangage #nokiangageqd #wonderswan #wonderswancolor #swancrystal #retrogaming #retrogamer #obscureconsoles #evercadeexp #paneldepon #atarijaguar #snesgames
#nokiangage #nokiangageqd #Wonderswan #wonderswancolor #swancrystal #retrogaming #retrogamer #obscureconsoles #evercadeexp #paneldepon #AtariJaguar #SNESGames
#Bandai #WonderSwan serial USB adapter for data transfer (Digimon connector + Pi Pico + ExtFriend + BootFriend + WS Backup Tool). All software by @asie
Mastodon saw it first: I tinker with the #wonderswan core for the #analoguepocket
All you need to know about the WonderSwan Core for the Analogue Pocket
La #Wonderswan console portable uniquement sortie au Japon en 1999.
Gunpei Yokoi l’avait confectionné après son départ de chez Nintendo.
Malheureusement, Gunpei Yokoi ne verra jamais sa commercialisation à cause d’un accident routier fatal.
Sa création connaîtra un certain succès et accueillera des jeux #onepiece , #gundam et #guiltygear .
Sur les photos, la #wonderswancolor et 3 #jeuxvideo sont présents dont "Gunpey". Un puzzle Game nommé en son hommage et sa suite sur la #NintendoDS .
#Wonderswan #onepiece #gundam #guiltygear #wonderswancolor #jeuxvideo #NintendoDS
And here’s some 3DS content…
Mastodon saw it first 🤣
@pjap37 #wonderswan will prob go live wed/Thu it turned out great
I’m going to sell my #WonderSwan stuff. I don’t feel emotionally attached by it and I hope it’ll get a new home where they’re more loved. Please share and/or tag people who are potentially interested. I also have systems (most of them need some love too).
Fixed this wonderswan color not turning on. Power button contact pad was too dirty to make a proper contact. I cleaned pads and motherboard with isopropyl alcohol. #bandai #Wonderswan #finalfantasy
#finalfantasy #Wonderswan #bandai
I’ll be making a video about the new #WonderSwan core for the #AnaloguePocket WHO HAS QUESTIONS #FPGA
#Wonderswan #AnaloguePocket #fpga
@trixter I can relate… tbh… you might be better off investing in an #analoguepocket. #WonderSwan core just came out.
While I edit some more content why don’t you check out my weird obsession with the #wonderswan?
#Wonderswan #retrogaming #bandai #handheld #retrogames #portablegaming
Videos are in a bit of a hiatus because I haven’t had a second to edit but I’m on a two week break! In the meantime why not check my obsession with the #Wonderswan #handhelds #retrogaming
#Wonderswan #handhelds #retrogaming
Omg I've just noticed I have some emotes on here :crystalswan: :crystalswan:
And not only that, there's a #Wonderswan one!!!
:wonderswan: :wonderswan_color: :wonderswan: :wonderswan_color:
Tal dia com avui, 23 de juliol, del 2000, quan les extraescolars de robòtica encara no existien, apareix #WonderBorg per la consola portàtil #WonderSwan . Es tractava d'un kit de robòtica amb el q podies programar a un escarabat robot per recòrrer diferents circuits.🪳
Минутка олдскулья.
Сайт с онлайн-эмуляцией игр старых приставок.
SEGA: Master Sysytem, Game Gear, Genesis, x32, Sega CD
NEC: TurbograFX-16, TurbograFX CD, PC Engine CD.
Atari: 7800, Lynx, Jaguar
PlayStation 1
Wonderswan, Neo Geo Pocket, MSX, MSX2
Библиотека довольно большая.
Плюсы: можно посмотреть на многие игры, которые лень покупать.
Минусы: Продвинутые игры можно только посмотреть. С одновременным опросом клавиш проблемы. Или стрелки, или ABCD. Не вместе.
Зато я узнал, что Aleste была на Atari 7800. И вообще эта платформа была довольно продвинутой.
#NINTENDO #NES #SNES #GB #GBC #GBA #N64 #NDS #SEGA #MasterSysytem #GameGear #Genesis #x32 #SegaCD #NEC #TurbograFX16 #TurbograFXCD #PCEngineCD #Atari7800 #Lynx #Jaguar #PlayStation #Arcade #Wonderswan #NeoGeoPocket #MSX #MSX2 #lang_rus #rus #gaming
#Wonderswan #NeoGeoPocket #nintendo #snes #nes #jaguar #playstation #arcade #msx2 #x32 #TurbograFXCD #gamegear #genesis #gb #lynx #atari7800 #gba #sega #rus #gbc #n64 #nds #MasterSysytem #segacd #PCEngineCD #gaming #nec #turbografx16 #msx #lang_rus
Rainbow Islands: Patty's Party for the #WonderSwan is being fan translated by the only person who really seems to do these things, the apt named WonderSwan Translator.
si ça vous dit…
ça faisait loooonngtemps que je n'avais plus tenté une vente par là
Ça y est, #wonderswan réparées. Nouveaux filtres polarisants sur chacune des deux.
#Wonderswan #retrogaming #bandai