Drückt diesem kleinen Scheißer mal die Daumen dass sie die Nacht übersteht damit sie morgen früh von der Pflegestation aufgenommen werden kann.Ich habe sie heute Nachmittag den Nachbarskindern abgenommen die damit gespielt haben.Die Mutter der Kids wusste das und es war ihr egal. :blobcatfluffangry:
#ringeltaube #taube #pigeon #woodpigeon
#Ringeltaube #taube #pigeon #WoodPigeon
My Oranges and Lemons Hypothesis #NurseryRhymes #OralTransmission #WoodPigeon #OrangesAndLemons https://youtu.be/F-LwEaKUfwM
#orangesandlemons #WoodPigeon #oraltransmission #nurseryrhymes
Wood pigeon on the balustrade of the historic humpback bridge over the River Kelvin in Glasgow's Botanic Gardens.
#glasgow #riverkelvin #botanicgardens #woodpigeon #birds #urbanwildlife #urbannature #wildglasgow
#wildglasgow #urbannature #urbanwildlife #birds #WoodPigeon #botanicgardens #riverkelvin #glasgow
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #GreatTit #GreatTits #WildFlowers #WildGarlic #Garlic #Buttercup #Buttercups #WoodPigeon #WoodPigeons #Sparrow #Sparrows #Flowers #GardenFlowers #Countryside #Birds #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Photography #BirdsOfMastodon
#birdsofmastodon #photography #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #birds #countryside #gardenflowers #flowers #sparrows #sparrow #woodpigeons #WoodPigeon #buttercups #buttercup #garlic #WildGarlic #wildflowers #greattits #greattit #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Ringeltaube. So hübsche Vögel, leider bei vielen zu Unrecht verhasst…
#vogel #Vogelfotografie #bird #birds #birdphotography #BirdsOfMastodon #Ringeltaube #WoodPigeon
#vogel #Vogelfotografie #bird #birds #birdphotography #BirdsOfMastodon #Ringeltaube #WoodPigeon
Una bona manera de diferenciar a la paloma torcàs en el vol, és la franja blanca de les seues ales. Ací tinc unes quantes que solen estar pel #Ullaldebaldovi
#tudo #palomatorcaz #woodpigeon #birdwatching #birdphotography #albuferadevalencia
#ullaldebaldovi #tudo #palomatorcaz #WoodPigeon #birdwatching #birdphotography #albuferadevalencia
A few photos from my husband’s Saturday afternoon walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Birding #Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Pigeon #WoodPigeon #GreatTit #BlueTit #Chaffinch #Viaduct #RailwayHistory #Angus #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry
#broughtyferry #monifieth #angus #railwayhistory #viaduct #chaffinch #bluetit #greattit #WoodPigeon #pigeon #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birds #birding #scotland #dundee
Since that's proving popular, here's a better #kererū photo I took in August 2016 at my Mum's house in #Rotorua (in Pukehangi on the lower slopes of Mount Ngongotahā). #NZ #WoodPigeon #photography #WildlifePhotography
#kereru #Rotorua #nz #WoodPigeon #photography #wildlifephotography
More photos of the #kererū or #NZ #WoodPigeon. #photography #WildlifePhotography
#kereru #nz #WoodPigeon #photography #wildlifephotography
Some phone images from my #hike. #kererū #NZ #WoodPigeon #trees #birds #chaffinch #gif #photography
#hike #kereru #nz #WoodPigeon #trees #birds #chaffinch #gif #photography
I'm hiding. You can't see me....
#VizMig #Medway estuary 22/11/22
A big #Woodpigeon movement for s Medway.
Detailed studies have yet to confirm fully origin/nature of autumn woodpigeon flights. Big change in feeding in Oct, w. birds switching from woodland nut crops to (mainly crop) vegetation- farming activities necessitate search movements.
Here, w. no known big roosts (10k+) close, and w. birds do not liking crossing wider water bodies, 2k+ counts infrequent.
(For map/movement description, see map pic details)
#WoodPigeon #birds #wildlife #johnstongardens #photography #scotland #aberdeen
Here’s a #photograph of a #WoodPigeon which was just sitting and #preening itself on a neighbouring #rooftop.
#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Wildlife #Birds #Pigeon
#photograph #WoodPigeon #preening #rooftop #mywork #myphoto #ccbysa #dslr #nikon #d7000 #wildlife #birds #pigeon
This #pigeon was sitting on the fence with our neighbour, looking quite relaxed and fluffed up (almost spherical!). I think it’s a #WoodPigeon but maybe someone could confirm.
#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Birds #Wildlife #Nature
#pigeon #WoodPigeon #mywork #myphoto #ccbysa #dslr #nikon #d7000 #birds #wildlife #nature